Chapter 1💙Anniversary

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"And its finally done" New heaved a big sigh after placing the final candles on their dining table. He went to check the chicken which he was roasting and the cheesecake which was in the oven.

He took his mobile as he heard notification sound continously. The messages were from Bright, Tay's secretary.

P'New, we landed here in Bangkok. We are going to headquarters first and P'Tay will leave after small work.

He reported as he was asked to. Both Tay and New treated their staff friendly and did not use the power over them. Their idea was friendly approach brings satisfying result than using power and it worked out well. As their secretaries were always close to them, they call them as 'P' instead of addressing as sir. They both hired fresh graduates instead of some experienced old staff because they would not constantly nag them.

Ok Bright, thank you

You are welcome P'New. Happy anniversary.

New smiled seeing that message. Yes, today is their 3rd anniversary. But his husband was away for work. It had been 3 weeks and he missed him like crazy. It was not new for him as they both have to leave for other place to work but it still affects him. The house was too silent to his liking. Everything was in its place as he left, nothing changed or nothing broken or repaired, in conclusion he missed his 'walking disaster'.

The timer from the oven beeped bringing him back to the world. The sweet smell of strawberry cheesecake made him want to have a bite now. But he decided to wait till Tay comes. Though the man is not fond of sweets, he will always have a taste of his preparation.

He sniffed one more time taking the sweet aroma. With a satisfied smile he also finished the chicken roast and went to take a shower. After shower he dressed in simple T shirt and sweatpant. He checked his mobile for messages. There was two messages from both Mix and Bright.

All the work assigned today are done P'New. I have mailed the reports. Can I reschedule your meeting tomorrow or it is fine?

Ok Mix, if you can please reschedule the meeting to day after tomorrow.

Got it P

Then he opened Bright's message.

P'New, P'Tay left from office.

Ok thank you Bright

The message was around 20 mins before. So Tay will be here anytime soon. He just waited in his couch scrolling on his mobile.

After few minutes he heard the car sound in his driveway and door opened. He heard everything but didn't went to open the door.

"Newwie..." he heard Tay's voice calling him. He waited just so he could hear him calling. He was so busy that they didn't even had a voice call in the past week. Only text messages.

"I am here Tay" he said standing up from couch. Tay removed his shoes and dropped his luggages near the entrance itself and came inside. He saw his cute polar bear dressed in his favourite T shirt and looking effortlessly beautiful.

"I missed you so much" he said hugging his husband burying his face in the crook of his neck. He inhaled his favourite smell, something unique only New had.

New was also hugging him and stroking his back. He was slightly shocked to see very tired Tay, the man was like zombie. He was very hardworking and he was always proud of Tay. But he can't help but worry when he works till the point of exhaustion.

"I too missed you Tay" he said peppering small kisses to the man's shoulder, neck and ears.

Tay's stomach made a grumbling noice making them to break apart to laugh. "Go and shower Tay, we can have dinner."

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