Chapter 5💙MewGulf

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"I am pregnant, we are going to be parents" Tay said looking fondly at New.

"Really?" Both the secretaries asked in a high pitched voice.

"Yeah" New said with a wide smile. Mix immediately rushed forward to hug Tay and New. He was always a type of guy to show skinship. Bright sat in his place and congratulated them.

Mix was throwing on questions and excitedly rambling about how he was happy. Bright was listening to their conversation and pitched in only if he was asked to.

"What are you thinking Bright?" Tay asked as he noticed the frown in younger's face.

"Nothing P" he stated. "I know you well Bright, what is going on?" He asked again.

"You should take rest P, may be after two months you should take leave and be resting."

"Yeah, I know. Doctor also said the same"

"Then who will handle the company P? P'New also has his own company to manage!"

"Oiii you are such a buzzkill! We are here happy for P'Tay, but you are worried about company more than him" Mix said with disgusting face. On seeing this, Bright panicked.

"P'Tay, P'New I am really happy for you both, I was just worried for company. P'Tay once said the company was like child to him...."

"Calm down Bright! We know you. We understand your concern...Mix was just kidding" New calmed the very panicked Bright.

"You are right Bright, we will think about that when time comes. I have an idea" Tay said with his calm tone. Bright relaxed only after Tay said it was alright.

"But you have to keep it secret for sometime. Its too early to disclose to others" New said. Both of them nodded understanding. Both the boys stayed for an hour and helped their bosses to clean the dish and left.

Tay immediately plopped on the couch tiredly. "You are tired" New said sitting next to him. Tay just nodded and moved close to him. New wrapped his arms around Tay pulling him into a hug. After few minutes, Tay's breath was even indicating he was asleep.

New adjusted Tay to lie down on the couch. He went and set their bed and came back to Tay. He gently lifted him, careful of not to wake him but unfortunately Tay woke up.

"Hin! Let me down! I can walk" he protested but New was not budging. "Just sleep Tay, I will take care" he said showing his beautiful smile, but Tay whined.

"I am just pregnant! Not crippled or something! I can do my works" he sounded serious. His hormones were making him exaggerate even the smallest of things.

"I know Tay, may be next time I will wake you" New said gently making him lay on the bed. Though he said New will never wake Tay when he is asleep. He will do the same and face the consequence later.

"Good night hin" Tay mumbled and fell back to his slumber. New was just smiling and caressing Tay's hair.

He thought about everything happened in the past week. Just how a normal day turned to be the most important day in their life. He was really happy that Tay decided to keep their child. He knows Tay would have thought a lot before coming to this decision and it would be hard for him to accept the fact. The upcoming days are also going to be hard but he will never leave him. After all they vowed In sickness and in health...

"I love you Tay" he whispered and kissed Tay's cheeks. He slept cuddling him.


It was sunday and New was driving them to Mew's house for lunch as they said. Tay was unusually nervous to meet them. He was hesitant to come till the last minute.

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