Chapter 12💙First kick

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"Oh my god! I can't believe it!" New said hugging Tay tightly and pressing soft kisses on his cheeks.

"Me too" Tay's smile was reaching his eyes.

He pulled his white T-shirt with pink handprints of New in it. They are going to have a baby girl. Knowing this, their happiness skyrocketed. Their little bean is a baby girl!

"We are having a baby girl!" New whispered softly

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"We are having a baby girl!" New whispered softly. "I am so happy Tay" he said gently caressing the baby bump.

"Me too hin!" Tay kissed his cheeks.

The rest of the event went by in a pure bliss. Everyone congratulated them, had their own fun until the party winded down at late evening.

New was preparing a simple dinner for them, Godji said she would do it, but they let her rest as she was working all day. They insisted they also want to spend time alone, so the lady left them.

Tay was sitting in the high stool in kitchen, helping New by cutting vegetables and watching him cook. Once New started cooking his mind wandered around with many doubts.

New was giving a side glance to Tay every now and then. Oddly, Tay was silent, mindlessly drawing something with spoon on the counter. This was not a good sign. This means Tay was overthinking again.

"Baby, dinner will be ready in 5 minutes" he said and as expected Tay didn't respond anything. Infact, he didn't listen what New said.

New turned off the stove and came to Tay. "What's going in here?" He asked softly patting Tay's head.

Tay knew he can't avoid this. "I am worried about our baby girl" he said.

"What are you worried about?" New asked running his fingers through Tay's dark hair calming him.

"We are men hin. We don't have many female friends either. Parenting girl child is different from boy child. I am worried we are not up for that." He said.

He looked at New expectantly but New was still calm. "You are not worried?" He asked.

New smiled softly. "I thought parenting is same regardless of gender. We should care for them, teach them kindness, manners, safe touch isn't it? I don't see any gender roles here Tay."

Tay nodded thinking. "Don't worry too much baby. She has us, our friends. And did you forget about our sisters? They will be the best aunt. She has our mothers and mae Godji. They will help us. And she has got sisters already!" New paused.

"What sisters?" Tay asked confused.

"Soraya and Natasha. I heard the kids talking. When Gulf explained the baby will be girl, they were already fighting over who will be the big sister for our girl." Tay chuckled hearing him.


New sighed heavily. Tay eyed him weirdly. "What happened? Did I pass my worry to you?"

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