Chapter 8💙Cousin

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"What is happening here?" Tay came from inside.

"Bright, is he the rowdy guy you said?" Tay asked and Bright nodded fastly. Tay chuckled. "That's my cousin!" Bright's jaw dropped down in shock.

"Hello P'Tay! How are you?" The tall man pushed Bright aside and went to hug Tay. Bright was still standing near the door perplexed. How can this rude rowdy guy and his gentle P'Tay can be cousins?

"Bright, meet Joss. My cousin and head of Chiang Mai branch." Tay introduced the rowdy guy. "Also can you close the door and come inside?"

Bright realised he was still standing near the door holding it open. He quickly closed the door and scratched his non itchy neck.

"Joss this is my secretary Bright" Tay introduced the young man and Joss looked at him with an amused smirk. Bright felt uncomfortable under that estimating gaze.

"So this is the famous PITA my secretary whines about? I thought he would be atleast 35 plus, not a young kid" Joss spoke making Bright angry. He didn't know what PITA means but he guessed it is something bad to tease.

"I am not kid.... sir" he spoke gritting his teeth. "You have such a fierce secretary P'Tay" Joss chuckled.

Bright was about to say something but Tay cut him off. "Joss shall we leave? We are already late!" Tay said picking up his bag.

"But P'Tay my car broke today morning. We should get a cab."

"No need, we can leave in my car" Tay said passing the keys to Joss.

"But P'Tay, P'New said I should drive you" Bright protested. "Hey Brighty... I know how to drive. I also care for my brother" Joss spoke with a annoying smile.

"But P'Tay...."

"Stop it both of you, I am getting tired before even going to work!" Tay said and walked out the door not before saying his goodbye to mae Godji. Joss followed him.
"Sighh...." Bright was already tired of Joss. He encouraged himself and followed them.

Tay was at backseat and Joss was already in driver seat. Why did P'Tay didn't take the shot gun? He was confused to sit beside Tay or ride shotgun.

"We don't have all day Brighty!" Joss yelled and Bright quickly took the passenger seat in front. He still wanted to confront the tall man about pushing him earlier.

He got inside the car and closed the door harshly obviously showing his anger. "Call me Bright... sir" he said.

The ride was silent for few minutes but it was interrupted by Bright.

"Why did you push me earlier sir?" He asked. Tay was also listening to their conversation.

"Oh about that, I am sorry Brighty"

"Its Bright"

"Yeah same thing. My friend's daughter got allergy attack, so I had to rush there. I am so sorry for pushing you before" Joss said sincerely.

"Was it Namtan's daughter?" Tay asked. Joss just hummed.

"You are still in touch with her! Ask her to message me sometime. I also miss her" Tay said. Now Bright was curious to know who this Namtan was. But it was not his place to ask so he kept quiet.

"How is the child?" Bright asked.

"Soraya is fine now. If we had been late for 5 mins we would have lost her. Because of you I got the cab in time, so I could rush her to the hospital."

"That's good to hear. But she should've called an ambulance." Bright said making Joss and Tay chuckle.

"She was just shocked and did what she managed to do" Joss said and Bright turned to watch the passing cars through window.

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