Chapter 13💙 Off to Korea

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"Tay, what will you do when she disturbs you at night? You can't sleep na!"

"Really New? Stop whining already! I can manage. This is important for you. So you should go."

New started to say something but Tay signalled him to stop.

"Don't. Don't say nothing is more important than me."

New pouted. Tay knew him very well. "Don't pout and go now. They are waiting for you," Tay pointed the direction where Joss, Bright and Mixx were waiting for him patiently for almost 15 minutes. New kept moving lazily and coming up with lame ideas so he can stay back.

"Come on hin, its just a week! I will be perfectly fine. We have our friends also with me. Nothing will happen. I really want you to go and get the recognition you deserve."

"Don't worry New! We all will take care of your babies. We promise," Gun said clinging to Tay's arm. Off also nodded assuringly.

"Ok then." New said sadly. "I trust you guys," he said to them. He gave hug and quick peck to Tay and their baby. "Be good girl na. Don't trouble daddy too much. Papa will be back soon," he spoke to their girl and caressed the bump softly.

"Eat your medicines correctly. Take care Tay." He hugged Tay one more time. Their friends were watching New clinging to Tay like a kid on first day of their school with adoration.

He parted from Tay and turned to Offgun. "Take care of him guys. Call me and Dr. Mew if there is any emergency. You have his number right?"

"We have New. Everyone in our group has. Not only Mew, we also have his husband Gulf's contact also. You already said," Off spoke chuckling.

"Not only them, all our neighbhours also have Mew's number." Tay rolled his eyes saying. Yes. New is over caring.

All of them broke into laughter. "Come on P'New, we are getting late," Joss reminded.

"Looks like Bright is rubbing off on you," New commented which earned a loud chuckle from Tay and Mix.

"I told you P'New, there is something going on," Mix said as a matter of fact.

"Uh.. uh.. you are so keen in everything which does not involve you," Bright sassed back.

"Just get going before they start bickering here," Tay nudged New forward. New hugged him one more time before parting. With Joss driving, the car started moving. New was waving good bye till Tay left his sight. Tay couldn't help but chuckle at New's gestures.

"Finally feeling like calm after storm," Gun commented when they were heading inside. It was true though. Tay thought about everything happened in the past 10 days.


"What did your parents say Tay? Can they stay with you?" New asked during their dinner.

"I talked to them. Grandma is not feeling well, so she have to stay there. My sister is also going abroad for her work." Tay replied.

"What should we do now? My parents are also not available. I think I will not go to Korea."

"No. Hin, you should go! I already told you this is important."

"But, how can I leave you alone here?" New asked seriously.

"I already said I am okay in staying alone. Its you who keep on inisiting I should not stay alone."

"I still stand by that," New said as a matter of fact.

Tay heaved a big sigh. "We have our friends right? We can ask any of them to accompany me."

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