Chapter 14💙Always

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New woke up to the empty bed. He checked the time, it was 10 in the morning. But why Tay didn't wake him up? He quickly brushed his teeth and took care of other activities. When he stepped out of restroom he heard a small girl giggling sound. Curious to know who it might be, he came to living room.

On the dining table was Raya talking to Tay and giggling when he tickled her. New was really confused to see how come Raya was there. He approached them and the girl gave a big smile on seeing him, but on the other hand Tay just averted his gaze from New. He was about to sit next to him, when Arm came from the guestroom with a paper in his hand.

"Hey New! You woke up," he said keeping the paper in a notebook which obviously belonged to Raya.

New smiled back, at least someone is acknowledging his presence. "Why is she here?" He asked to Arm.

"Oh... That... Mm... Namtan unexpectedly got a night shift. Her regular baby sitter was also on leave. So she asked if I could help."

"Oho!! Since when you both became that close huh? Anything you have to say?" New asked with a teasing smile.

"Hey.. it's not that!"

"Do I look like a kid?"

"Ok fine. We are seeing each other but didn't come to point of labeling it."

"So finally you will stop whining when we all hangout. Good for you Arm."

All the time Tay didn't say anything. His attention was on Raya who was saying something animatedly, which really troubled New. There was something going on with Tay which he needed to find out before it troubles Tay too much.

"Raya, shall we leave?" Arm asked and the girl nodded eagerly. She hopped off the chair and clinged to Arm.

"Bye Tay, take care. I will call later." He said to which Tay gave his beautiful smile. New was really pissed. Tay smiles to all, except him. This was not what he expected from Tay on his return.

"Bye uncle Tay" the girl waved her hands and Tay returned the gesture. New walked them out.

When he came inside Tay was sitting on the couch, so he came and sat next to him. "Baby, why are you so silent?" He asked reaching out to touch Tay's head, but Tay shifted away. New was visibly hurt, but quickly hid it.

"Are you angry that I didn't inform you?" He asked.

Again there was only silence from Tay. "I didn't mean to. I thought you will be surprised! I am sorry na..." He said cutely but there was no response from Tay.

They sat in silence for a while. "Did you see the award function?" New asked hoping to get a response at least for that.

"Yes. I saw." Finally Tay broke his silence.

"I know you will" New smiled. "How was I? Handsome right?" He asked with a playful grin.

"Yeah, you looked handsome and happy." Tay's voice was cold and almost a whisper.

New was concerned. "What happened Tay? Are you alright?"

"No. I am not alright!" He bursted out with tears. "You are so handsome and enjoying your life, but I am not. You put in me in this condition and you are out there enjoying your life!"

New was extremely worried on what Tay was coming to say. But he patiently waited for Tay to let it out.

"I don't blame you though. Earth is so handsome and good looking, whereas I look like an ugly fat pig!"

Finally it clicked to New. Tay is jealous and insecure. During award function he was sitting next to Earth. When he was called on stage, he stumbled a bit but Earth caught and steadied him. This might have made Tay to be jealous. Before, when Tay was jealous, he would behave differently. He would make rough love to New, marking him, claiming him as his. But this Tay was soft, crying like a baby.

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