Chapter 9💙Daughter

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After 2 weeks of Joss handling the office, Bright called Tay wanting to meet him. So Tay asked him to come to their home with some other things he needed from his office. Though he was not going to office, Tay worked in some of the projects from his home.

"P'Tay!! How are you? I missed you so much!" Words flowed out of Bright's mouth the moment Tay opened the door for him.

"I also missed you Bright. I hope everything is going fine there" Tay gave a warm smile and lead him inside.

"Its fine P'Tay. How are you and little one?"

"We are good. We went for checkup last week and doc said everything was fine with them."

"That's good" Bright smiled whole heartedly. "Here, the files you asked for P'Tay" he kept the files on the small coffee table infront of the sofa.

Tay sat opposite to him. "Thank you Bright. And why you are here? What do you want to speak with me? Are you fine?"

The smile which was plastered all the while faded away from Bright's face. He was contemplating his decisions.

"Bright, you can tell me anything." Tay assured him. Bright thought about things happened 3 days before.

"Brighty, call and confirm the details with client who came yesterday" Joss said signing the documents Bright brought.

"Yes sir" Bright gave a simple reply and went to his table which was at the corner of Joss room. Bright was not happy but he got used to it. If Joss didn't have any issues with people coming in frequently to deal with Bright, then Bright also had no issue, except for times he felt he was not having privacy.

He sat back in his chair and started his works. Joss was talking with someone in his mobile. Just only 10 mins in, someone barged inside, without knocking. A man may be in his 50s, with tall figure, dark hair, fit inspite of his age, walked in as if he owned the place.

"Excuse me sir, who are you?" Bright tried to stop the man who was on his way to take a seat infront of Joss.

"I am seeing you're doing good" the man said earning a unpleasant look from Joss.

"Sir, who are you?" Bright tried to ask politely despite he was annoyed with the man's behaviour.

"Oh is this your secretary? Get me an esspresso and something to eat" he ordered Bright. Bright was on edge of his patience. He didn't move. The old man saw him still standing there and said, "what are you dumb? Didn't you hear me? I can't believe they hire some stu..."

"That's enough dad! You will not order around my secretary!" Joss finally spoke, anger edged in his tone. Bright stood there shocked. He is Joss's father? But why Joss doesn't look pleased seeing him? It was not his place to pry but he can't help being curious.

"Ok fine. I want to talk to my son alone. So can you give us privacy?" He faced Bright directly. Bright just nodded and left the place. He went to other department where he had some work to do. He decided to come back to his office after 10 mins.

He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but the talk between father and son really piqued his interest.

"So when are you going to start our work?" It was Joss's father.

"What do you mean by our work?" It was Joss.

"Come on Joss! You know what I am saying! About you establishing your place in this company and finally chasing that Tawan from here."

"I know what I am doing dad. Patience is the key" Joss replied earning a laugh from his father.

Bright almost gasped hearing that. Is Joss and his dad working against P'Tay? But P'Tay trusted him with the company. Are they going to betray him? His mind was running a wild race.

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