SS Chapter 5: My Boy

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A/N- Sorry for the loooonngg delay!!


Bright stepped out of the shower and stood infront of the mirror in his bathroom. He wiped the fog on the mirror and saw his face. His face looked tired because he couldn't sleep well last night. His rowdy boss threw a 'I love you' bomb out of nowhere, triggering the past he buried. His fingers gently traced the scar on his left eyebrow, souvenir of that night, reminder of what would happen if he trusted someone blindly.

He shook his head as if trying to clear his mind and stepped out to get ready for the day. When he came out dressed in his work clothes, his yaai was preparing breakfast for him.

"Morning Brighty!" His yaai's cheerful voice toned down seeing him. "Didn't you sleep well?" She asked worried.

Bright sighed. He really can't hide anything from her. "Yes yaai," he said taking a seat across the kitchen counter.

"Oh my poor baby!" His yaai came and hugged him tightly. Bright felt really calm in that warm embrace. She kissed his forehead, which made Bright remember his primary school days. His yaai would daily give a kiss when he heads out for school. He thanked god for having his yaai, he could love and trust someone and call as family.

After having breakfast Bright walked out from his condo. He decided to go to nearby bus stop as his car was still parked in his office. He stepped out of the building and started walking towards bus stop.

He was startled when someone pulled up their bike so close to him. He ignored the person who's face was well hidden behind the helmet and walked again. The same bike pulled up again, only this time, it was not unknown person but it was Joss, his rowdy boss behind that helmet.

"Brighty! Sorry I got bit late. Hop in, I will drop you!"

Bright was still processing the things happening. His boss, who confessed he loves him, was here to pick him up? In his bike? What happened to his car anyway?

"What happened to your car sir?"

"It's on service, so I got my bike to pick you up." Joss said proudly. His car had no issues, khun yaai said Bright loves bikes, so here he was trying to impress with his bike.

"You don't have to pick me up sir," Bright said coldly and started walking.

Joss was also not ready to give up. He followed behind in his bike with slow speed his bike could allow. "Your car is in our office, that's why I came to pick you up Brighty."

Bright heard him but didn't stop or reply anything. His steps were quick to reach the bus stop, Joss also kept following him. He tried to ignore him, but he really can't because that rowdy boss of his, was always in his vicinity. Even when he was waiting for bus, the man stood next to him, swirling the bike key in his hand.

Bright felt relieved to see the bus approaching. Finally he can get free from his boss for twenty minutes before seeing him again in their office. He climbed inside and took a seat near the window. He couldn't help but chuckle seeing Joss standing shocked at the bus stop.

The bus started moving after everyone settled. Someone slided in the seat next to Bright, but Bright didn't care to see. Few minutes later, the person stood up and another person took that seat.

"So, how long it will take to reach our office?"

Shit! Not him. So much for expecting few minutes of break. Bright thought.

Joss was sitting next to him with a stupid grin. "What are you doing here?" Bright almost screamed seeing him.

"Going to office," Bright was clearly annoyed by this reply.

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