Chapter 3💙Scared

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"Nothing wrong New. You both are going to become parents. Mr. Tay is pregnant" Mew said seriously.

"What?!" Both of them asked in unison.

"Yes, the results are positive. We need to do sonography to determine how many weeks he is pregnant." Mew said and both of them were still in shock.

"This is ridiculous!" Tay yelled and went out. New was struck between to follow him or wait here and know more about Tay's condition.

"Is this some prank P'Mew?" He asked hestitating. He knows Mew takes his work seriously.

"No New, see for yourself." He handed the blood test report to New. "Tay has a special condition which allows him to have baby. You've never known this before because you haven't done without protection."

New was shocked to hear this. He knew some men could concieve nowadays but he never imagined Tay to be one and they are going to be parents!

"Can we abort the baby?" New asked after a long hesitation. He wanted to know the answer if Tay asked something like this to him. Afterall Tay is the one who is going to carry. If Tay doesn't want he will never make him go through this.

"I am sure he is at early stage. So we can. But I need you both to think well before deciding. Not every couples are blessed like you." Mew said slowly.

"You have to go to him, he will be waiting. Take care of him. Come again after two days. I will support whatever decision you both take" Mew said gently patting his shoulder. New gave a small nod and left.

He saw Tay leaning on the hood of the car. His face was blank, his eyes was distant, he was thinking something deeply. When New reached him, he just got inside the car without saying anything. New also didn't pester him. He knows Tay well. If Tay was disturbed, he would be all silent. He will come to his happy self after sometime. New was driving carefully but unconsciously his eyes fell on Tay's abdomen. Tay was looking out not noticing New's glances.

They both reached home. Tay got down and went inside. When New parked and came inside he saw Tay near fridge drinking water. Godji was standing near him seeing the blank expression of Tay.
When she saw New, she came to him.

"You both are early! Did something happened?" She asked concerned. She was like mother caring for them both, she could sense the tense and sad aura around them.

"I will be in bedroom. I need some alone time" Tay said coldly and went inside. After the closing sound of the door everything went silent.

"New, did you guys fight?" She was worried. When Tay saw her, he would greet her with his radiant smile and ask about her day. The way he behaved today was unusual.

"Mae, can you help me prepare his favourite dinner?" New asked with a small smile.

"I knew it! You only did something! That's why he is sad!" Godji said as if she solved the mystery.

"Yeah, I did something" New mumbled.

"Whatever, come, we have to bring light to this house" she said nudging him to kitchen. He removed his blazer and helped her by cutting vegetables and other works she ordered.

After the dinner is made, she left asking New to sort out everything. New felt little bit relived because she didn't bother to know about what happened. That's why they both love her. She is always with them whether she knows everything or not.
There were many missed calls from Bright and Mix. He knew they were calling to know about Tay's health. But now the situation is different. He didn't want to disclose to others.

After an hour, he got up and went to their bedroom. With a doubt, he opened the door, surprisingly it was not locked. He slowly opened the door and turned on the lights. He saw Tay sleeping on the bed. When he went close to him, he saw Tay's tear streaked face. Though he hated, he had to wake Tay to have dinner.

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