SS Chapter 4: The tragedy

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TW- Drugged, attempt to rape, suicide thoughts.


Bright woke up hearing few people laughing loudly around him. He was startled and woke up to find group of boys around him and one on the opposite was heart-throb of Bangkok high, Noah.

"See, I told you to be quiet! Now he woke up because of you guys!" Noah said to his three friends, who were still being noisy. Bright's sleepy brain was still trying to process everything. The highschool heart-throb was sitting opposite to him and talking about him!

"We have class now Noah," one of his friend Lucas reminded.

"You guys go first, I will come now," Noah answered and everyone left with few teasing comments and signals.

"I am sorry, they are noisy," Noah said to him. Noah actually spoke to him! Bright's brain short-circuited.

"It... it's alright P," Bright finally muttered not really looking at piercing gaze of blue eyes. Noah was that rich, tall, smoking hot football player whom everyone crushed on, that cliche hero in every highschool romance movies. And Bright was no exception. He moved to this high school with high merit points and scholarship, just two months back and was not welcomed. No one wanted to befriend nerdy guy with braces. So imagine how much it meant when Noah actually talked to him!

"I will be going to my class then. See you later... urmm..."

"Bright. Bright Vachirawit." He answered shyly.

"Nice name. See you later Brighty!" The senior said and walked on his way. Bright couldn't help the blush on his cheeks and buried his face in his palms.

"And one more thing, you look like a baby when you sleep," he was startled when he heard the senior's voice. "See you later Brighty," The senior said with a smile and ran back to his class, making Bright a blushing mess.

Bright thanked the stars for making Noah to actually notice him and even compliment him. Who would've thought his simple nap after lunch can turn into something memorable.


Though Noah said 'See you later' Bright didn't really hope for it. It was Noah being polite. But he started to believe when he met the senior on the same table waiting for him. After some small talk they went back to their classes.

Soon the lunch break talks became even more frequent to the point where Noah bringing something for him during their everyday break. The talks continued even after schools over phone calls and texts.

Noah was really sweet guy and took care of him well. He loved all the attention from senior. Some people were obviously jealous but Bright paid no mind to them.


Bright was waiting for Noah during lunch break, instead of him, a short black haired girl with beautiful bangs sat opposite to him. Bright noticed her few times before but he didn't know who she was.

"Bright!" The girl called him.

Bright looked up confused. But to think of it almost everyone knows him because he is hanging out with Noah recently.

"Yes, and you are?" He asked to the girl who was looking around nervously.

"It doesn't matter who I am. But I want to warn you about something. Don't hang out with Noah. He is no good. He may appear sweet on the outside but never trust him. This is for your own good Bright."

"Huh? What are you saying? First of all who are you?"

"Gorya!! What are you doing here?" Noah's voice blared out gaining their attention.

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