Chapter 7💙New plans

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"Hey guys!" The lovebirds said in unison but stopped seeing everyone surrounding Tay with worry.

"What happened guys?" One of them asked worried.

"Oh the supermodels are here!" Gun said dramatically making the lovebirds frown in confusion.

"Hi guys!" Tay said softly and sat on the couch removing himself from his friends who were crowding him.

"What happened Tay?" One of them asked concerned. "He threw up his dinner. That's all" New said and sat next to Tay. As soon as New sat next to him Tay clinged to him. New softly caressed Tay's head.

Everyone was already full so they just left their dinner and sat on the living room. Everyone were busy getting updates on the lovebirds' life and teasing them as they are the new couple here. Tay was silently frowning, which New obviously noted.

"What happened Tay?" He asked softly. "Are you tired? Want to sleep?" New asked in his smooth voice.

"You know that Chicken fried rice is my favourite food. But I think I can't eat it anymore. I threw up last time also" Tay said almost teary eyed. New was expecting something serious but not this. He wanted to chuckle but that might unlock the tricky bomb called preggy Tay. "Just few months. Then you can have it to your heart content." New said and Tay smiled dreamily imagining himself with bowls of chicken fried rice.

"Uhm uhm" Off fake coughed gaining their attention. "What is going on in your world?" Gun asked with a cheeky smile.

"Actually why you called us Tay?" Finally the most sensible one in gang, one of the love birds asked.

"Yeah... thanks Singto, I almost forgot we came here for a reason" Arm said and all attention were back to the host of this gathering.

New looked at Tay and Tay just nodded to go ahead. "We are going to be parents" he said smiling widely.

"Congratulations! Are you going for adoption or surrogacy?" Gun asked jumping in his seat excitedly. New and Tay chuckled. "Tay is pregnant, 10 weeks" he said and everyone went silent. If there should be an example for pindrop silence, this would do. New and Tay were getting slightly anxious of no reaction from their friends.

"Shall we bet whether its boy or girl? My bet is girl" Arm was the first one to speak.

"Boy" it was Gun.

"Boy" it was Singto.

"Is it too much to ask for twins?" It was Krist.

"Hey stop betting on our baby!" Tay said. "Such a friends I have! Not even one is congratulating me but placing bets on my child" he raged out. Everyone were shocked at his outburst.

"Sorry" everyone said in a chorus. Tay was glaring at them like how teachers glare at naughty kindergarden kids.

New was just patting his thighs trying to calm him. "I am sorry na Tay. I shouldn't have started that" Arm said very sincerely, regret in his eyes. He also whispered sorry to New.

"Its fine I guess... sorry I got emotional" Tay said. "Don't be sorry Tay" Krist said. "And congratulations!" He smiled showing his charming dimpled smile. Quickly the wishes echoed as everyone started saying. Tay couldn't help but chuckle seeing them.

"Thank you guys" he also smiled widely. Everyone were talking except the loudest one in the gang. "Ai Off! Why are you silent? Are you not feeling well?" New asked.

Now everyone was looking at him with questioning eyes. "Nothing guys" he adjusted his posture. "I was just shocked. If something like this happened I thought it will be New who might get pregnant. Not even in my dreams I thought Tay will be pregnant" he said.

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