SS Chapter 2: Thank you

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A/N: Events of this chapter happens after Chapter 9. Make sure you read that before reading this.


After the day Bright dropped Joss at his house, Joss has been acting weird according to Bright. Weird in the sense, bringing him coffee daily, eventhough Bright didn't accept not even once, frequently asking about his grandmother's health, texting good morning and good night eventhough Bright didn't reply, getting some gifts for Ame, and always complimenting Bright either about his shirt or hairstyle. And he also flirted with him whenever he got the chance. Bright tried to ignore and sometimes asked Joss to stop teasing, but Joss wouldn't listen. Since Joss didn't do anything other than harmless flirting, he chose to turn deaf to the flirt.

Bright checked the digital clock again. It was 11.15 am. Still there was no sign of Joss. Joss's maximum late entry was 10.30 am once, but today he seems to be more late. The space on his table, where the coffee Joss buys him would sit untouched for the whole day was empty. Like the work table on the opposite.

He called Joss's number again and this time, the machine voice anounced it was switched off. What happened to him? Bright wondered.

He checked Joss's schedule and luckily there was no meeting today. He decided to call Tay and ask about his cousin, but dropped the idea remembering Tay will be going on for checkup today.

"What should I do now?" He mumbled.

"Do you want my suggestion?" Mix popped his head inside and grinned widely.

"What are you doing here Mix?"

But Mix was looking at the empty table on opposite of Bright. "Where is Mr. Hottie?"

"I don't know. He is not here yet. And by the way, why are you here?"

"I have a work nearby and decided to drop by to see my bestie." Mix was being his usual cheery self. "And what's got you so worried bro? You might get wrinkles early if you frowned this much!"

"It's because of that rowdy. He didn't show up for work and his mobile is also not reachable now!"

"So that's why you are worried!"

"I am not worried about him!" Bright immediately refused.

"Now, I didn't say you were worried about him," Mix gave a cheeky smile. "Why don't you go to his house and check if he is alright? He is living alone right, What if something happened to him?"

"You are over imagining things Mix. He lives in an apartment, nothing bad could happen," Bright said somewhat unsure.

"What if he slipped in his bathroom and broke his head? What if someone robbed him? What if he accidentally cut himself and was drowning in blood?"

Now that was the scene Bright didn't want to see. Joss or anyone for that matter. But he was also not sure of going there himself. So he tried to give some excuse.

"What if he was drunk from last night and was having a hangover?"

"Then you can chew him out for not informing or picking up your calls," Mix surrendered.

"Why would I yell at my boss? I need this job to keep me going."

"Oh Bright, even if you yelled or throw hands, Mr. Hottie isn't going to complain. That man is so whipped for you, I can see that even from my office."

Yes, that's what makes Bright worried. There are already rumours going around that Joss and him are a thing and Joss's open flirting doesn't help any bit. Now what if they came to know he went to Joss's condo to check on him? There would be even more rumours.

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