SS Chapter 6: Korean Diaries

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Four men entered the lobby of the big star hotel making people turn their heads towards them. Despite the five hour long flight, they still looked handsome. The hotel was busy trying to accomodate all the people coming for the award function.

Mix walked upto the front desk with his friendly smile. "Good morning, we have reserved three rooms under V groups and TT Constructions."

"One minute sir," the lady smiled professionally and checked the list.

"Three rooms?" Joss asked to Bright standing beside him.

"Yeah," Bright replied trying to cover his yawning and that's the cutest yawn Joss had ever seen.

"Are we sharing room?" He asked giving a playful wink, though he is sure it was not going to happen.

"No sir. I am sharing room with Mix. You and P'New will have your individual rooms."

"I've never been jealous of Mix before!" Joss grunted and New chuckled beside them. Mix came back with three keycards and handed two of them to Joss and New.

New tucked his card in his coat packet and addressed his small troupe. "Let's meet at hotel's restuarant around 8.30 and from there we will head up to the symposium."

The three of them nodded and went inside. Good for them, all of their rooms were in same floor. Mix and Bright bid goodbye and went to their room.

They met after an hour for breakfast and headed to the conference hall later. The first day was basically orientation on the board and introduction of the companys participating. They had a small business lunch and at late evening they were sent back to their rooms. That night, they opted to sleep in washing off the tiredness from travel and long day.

The next day was also similar except few companies started with their presentations and exhibits. They were back to their rooms at late afternoon.

Joss had a lot of time to kill. It was his first time in Korea and he already planned what things he should do while he was here, places to visit, things to taste, everything planned. But what was missing is a good company. New was out of option as he said he want to talk with Tay. So he decided to ask Bright to accompany him, he would've done that even if someone was there to accompany him.

But the problem is, how to ask Bright? Bright was strictly professional and never went out with anyone even when they were in Thailand. He didn't go for team dinners, small outings or hang out with friends. Now how will Joss ask him to spend time with him.

He was sitting on the small couch in his room, making mental notes of the reasonings he could give to convince Bright, when the door bell rang.

He went to open thinking it was from room service or something. To his utter surprise, there was Bright, dressed in simple white T-shirt, black jeans and a black jacket, looking oh-so-beautiful in his casuals. He stared at him blankly since his mind was flying somewhere.

 He stared at him blankly since his mind was flying somewhere

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