Chapter 15💙Doubts

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Happy 75th Independence Day to all my fellow Indians🇮🇳 and people celebrating their Independence day today!!

Happy 75th Independence Day to all my fellow Indians🇮🇳 and people celebrating their Independence day today!!

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New went eagerly to kitchen in search of his breakfast. But to his disappointment, he saw only empty dishes in the sink.

"Tay, where is my breakfast?" He shouted from kitchen.

Tay slowly got up and went to his husband. "I am sorry, I was mad at you, so I didn't prepare anything for you."

New pouted like a kid who dropped their ice cream. "Its okay, I will make something for myself," he said and checked the supplies which were almost empty. How come this is possible?

"It is our friends. We never had guests staying over before, so we ran out of supplies. Mae has gone to market to restock them." Tay said sadly. He really felt bad for thinking to let New starve.

"I will just drink some milk then," New opened the fridge but found a half-eaten banana cheescake. His face lit up in happiness.

"Who bought this cake?" He asked to Tay.

"Oh... that, me and Krist prepared. I saved that for later," he said grinning.

"Then I will eat this. Its been a long time I had cake for breakfast." New said smiling truimphantly and went to the dining table.

"But hin... I told you cake is not a breakfast!" Tay followed him to dining table.

"Is it my fault?" New raised an eyebrow cockily.

"Ok fine." Tay hesitantly agreed and sat next to him.

New took a spoonful of cake and had bite. The flavours were blasting in his tongue. It was so yummy!

"Mmmm" he moaned at the taste.

Tay who was watching his husband eat, gulped. Not because he found New eating cake and moaning was sexy. It was his cake! The cake which Krist and him perfected after two tries! The cake which he didn't share more than a slice with his friends! The cake he managed to hide from Raya! The cake he had saved for later!

But he can't stop him now. He was the main reason New had to have cake for breakfast. So he tried to control himself.

New, after having few bites, watched Tay was like mourning someone's death.

"Do you need a bite Tay?" He asked showing a spoonful in front of his mouth.

Without answering, Tay got it eagerly. New went back to eating but Tay wanted more.

"Do you need more?" New asked after sensing unusual silence from Tay.

"It is my cake in first place," Tay mumbled.

"OK OK stop whining," New said feeding him another bite.

After 10 min, the cake was eaten up with New having a bite and two bites for Tay, who reasoned he was eating for two. Yup. New definitely missed the time when Tay doesn't eat more than a slice of cake.

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