SS Chapter 3: One step closer

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TW: Mentions of Panic attack in this chapter.

Bright was driving Joss's car to the new construction site. Compared to other projects handled, this project was causing more troubles from the start. Not to mention this project was lagging behind in their set target. Whenever they enquired the head of the project, there was always some excuse behind their delay. So Joss decided to take the matter in his hands and quickly drop by for a surprise visit after lunch. Being a dutiful assistant, Bright also had to accompany him. Joss insisted they could go in same car. So Bright was driving now since he is the one who know the address.

"Still how far we have to go?" Joss asked after checking the time again. It's going to be close to an hour they started driving.

"Around 20 minutes sir," Bright answered still driving.

After 20 minutes, they reached the site, which was almost out of the city. Half constructed 14 storey building stood majestically among the vast empty ground.

"Why this place looks like it's been abandoned?" That was the first question came to Bright's mind.

But it is not true. There were only around 10 to 12 workers. They parked the car little bit away from the construction site and came inside.

"Hey!! Who are you? What are you doing here?" Someone approached them.

"Who are you first?" Joss barked back.

"I am supervisor of this project!" The man told confidently not knowing whom he was talking to.

Joss looked at Bright who shook his head in a 'No'. So this not actually the supervisor, may be lackey of that project head.

"Now, who are you?"

Before Bright could answer, Joss answered. "We are from JJ constructions, our company has got a new office project construction in this area. So we just came to ask few details." He signalled Bright to be quiet.

"Huh? We are also building office here." The lackey replied.

"That's great! We actually don't have any idea P. If you let us take a round here, we will get some idea," Joss requested with a sweet smile.

"What? No. We can't do that. You can't copy our project."

"Are you sure P?" Joss asked taking few currency notes in his hand.

That man was immediately blinded by greed. He took the money and let them inside. "What is your name P?" Joss asked enthusiastically, so immersed in his character.

"Call me Ten," the man lead them to the area where the work was still going on.

"Why there are so less number of workers?" It was Bright now.

"We basically have only these many workers."

"Why? Is the opening date is far away?"

"Not actually. The project is infact lagging behind. In the records we mentioned we hired more labours but this is the reality."

"Your higher ups didn't question you?"Joss asked the elder who was taking them to the top most floor in a makeshift elevator.

"Our CEO is on leave and there is some new kid sitting there enjoying. If the head is on leave, everyone considers that as their vacation right?" He questioned back to Joss.

"Absolutely," Joss gritted his teeth being irritated. He was out there trying to keep up the name his brother and uncle earned, but someone thinks he was just passing his time on that position. He is so determined to make them regret, on underestimating him.

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