Chapter 6💙Friends

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New woke up hearing some noise coming from bathroom. On instinct he moved his hand around searching for Tay but couldn't find him. It didn't take long for him to figure what's happening. Tay was vomitting again. Now he is almost 10 weeks pregnant and his morning sickness was severe.

"Tay! You should've wake me!" He said rushing inside the bathroom to hold Tay's head and soothingly rubbed his back.

"Do you expect me to wake you up when I could throw up any second?" Tay mumbled holding his stomach.

"Sorry Tay" he apologised and helped Tay to clean his mouth and face. Both of them brushed silently. Tay looked very tired to even stand.

"Hin Carry me to the living room" Tay ordered and New gladly did. Infact New wanted to help him but 2 days before when New did something like this Tay ended up not talking to him till night. He complained that New thinks Tay is unfit to walk and threw lot of tantrums. Damn pregnancy hormones!

He gently dropped Tay on their couch. "I will go and make some tea for both of us" he said rubbing his husband's head and placing a soft kiss on Tay's forehead. Tay switched on the TV to watch news.

When New came back with two sizzling hot cups of tea, Tay was sleeping on the couch.
" wake up" he sat next to Tay and gently shook him to wake.

"Did I sleep again?" Tay asked yawning and slowly sitting up straight. New just hummed and passed his cup of tea.

"Nowadays I am getting tired easily. I feel weak and useless" Tay whined.

"No Tay, you are not weak. Infact you are so strong baby" New said to cheer up his husband which is actually true. New imagined if he was in Tay's position he would have thrown up lot of tantrums and whined endlessly. But Tay managed to handle both the company and pregnancy well. That too with his increased morning sickness he didn't complained or cursed. He was the strongest man New had met.
He was so proud of his husband.

They heard the door opening sound they didn't bother to look. They knew it was Godji. That lady was punctual ever since she joined here. "Good morning kids" she said placing the bag of grocery she brought.

"Good morning mae" both of them said in unison. After keeping the bags in kitchen counter she came to living room. She saw tired Tay and guessed what would have happened.

"Did you throw up again?" She asked concerned. Tay just nodded. "I will make some soup which will help you" she said smiling and went back to work.

Tay and New got ready for their works and was having breakfast Godji prepared. She strictly followed the diet plan Mew recommended. Tay and New were more grateful for the lady's kind help.

New made sure Tay took his tablets after breakfast. He didn't trust Tay's words because the man would forget sometimes. So he made that as habit to feed tablets on his own after breakfast and dinner. He made sure Bright gave the tablets after lunch.

"Newwie shall we say about us to our friends?" Tay asked slowly to the man driving him to office. He insisted he would drive Tay to office everytime.

"Are you sure Tay?" He asked concerned. "Yeah, Off and Arm pestering like we are hiding something from them."

"Mmm... Gun also said the same. I think it would be better we tell them."

"Shall we ask them to join us for dinner this friday?" Tay suggested and New agreed. Tay fished his mobile to text them.


Guys come to our home this friday night. We have something to say

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