Chapter 17💙Perfect

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A/N- Longest chapter!

Tay was struggling hard. New can see that. He can't help but cry seeing Tay crying and screaming in pain. Finally after a long try and huge pain, Tay gave birth to their baby girl.

New kissed Tay's forehead and whispered "I love you."

"Do you want to cut the cord New?" Mew asked him, so he went to Mew.

"Here, cut it in this place," Mew pointed the part where he have to cut. New looked at their baby, but couldn't see anything as the baby was wrapped around in a towel, only two small hands were visible.

He carefully cut the cord and inched close to see their baby, but something stopped him. He turned to Tay, who looks so paled and eyes struggling to keep it open.

"Tay... baby are you alright?" He came to Tay without seeing their baby. When he came to his side, Tay painfully closed his eyes.

"P'MEW!! Come here!"

He called Mew to check Tay. He tried to wake Tay, but Tay is not opening his eyes.

"Tay... Tay... get up baby," he pleaded.

"New, just stay outside," Mew tried to pull New away from Tay.

"What's happening P'Mew? Why is he not waking up?" He cried.

"We will check on that New. Please wait outside," Mew said and asked another male nurse to send New away, who was protesting.

"Sir, your presence will disturb doctors, please come outside sir," the nurse almost dragged New outside.

Outside, on the corridor, Joss and Bright were waiting anxiously. When they saw him coming out, they quickly came to his side.

"P'New, is everything alright? How is P'Tay?" Bright asked hurriedly.

"Are you alright P'New?" Joss asked noticing New who was so silent.

New didn't hear any of those questions. His mind was still with unconscious face of Tay. Everything happened because of him. He started blaming himself. If he hadn't froze earlier in their house, they would reach here sooner. Something like this wouldn't have happened.

"Hypothetically, If something happens, and you have to choose between me and baby, who will you choose to save?"

"In case if something happens, you should choose to save our girl."

Their conversation few weeks back came rushing to his mind haunting him. I should've done something, was the only thought going on repeatedly in his mind. A strong pair of arms holding him was the only thing he remembered before darkness surrounds him.


"Hin, wake up, your baby is crying."

"You said you will never let me get up when baby is crying. Now she is bawling her eyes out, get up hin."

New slowly opened his eyes. But he was met with unfamiliar ceiling. He quickly sat up and searched around, but sadly there was no Tay.

He found drips attached to back of his palm. He rubbed his eyes and tried to focus clearly. Joss was leaning on Bright's shoulder, who was slumped on the sofa.

"Bright," he slowly called him.

Bright quickly opened his eyes and came to New. "Are you awake P'New?"

"What happened to me?" He asked.

Joss went to call doctor. "You fainted P'New. You were unconscious for..." he checked his watch, "...4 hours now."

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