SS Chapter 9: One last time

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A/N: Happy New Year 2023 Everyone🥳 May this year fulfill all your wishes and bless you with all the good things✨️

A/N: Happy New Year 2023 Everyone🥳 May this year fulfill all your wishes and bless you with all the good things✨️

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I have new year present for everyone. So anyone remember this story of TayNew?

As per many requests, I decided to make it as a short story and I already published Chapter 2 in that

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As per many requests, I decided to make it as a short story and I already published Chapter 2 in that. Do check out😊


Next morning, Bright came to Tay's room with the snacks his yaai made. She said it was healthy and refreshing for someone who delivered baby. He was surprised to see Joss already present and was setting table for Tay with breakfast.

He ignored others and went to Tay. He asked how was he feeling and gave the snacks his yaai made for him. Few minutes later, the door opened again to reveal Mix this time. All of them chatted for a while and then Dr.Mew came. He checked on Tay and later brought the baby to him.

Bright watched Tay holding the baby for first time. She was so tiny against his chest and he saw how speechless her parents were. Mix and Joss cooed over the baby who was looking everything with curious wide eyes. Joss poked her soft pink cheeks and giggled like a school girl which was too adorable to watch.

After few minutes the three of them bid their goodbyes and headed out. When Joss and Mix turned on the way to parking lot, Bright headed for the bus stop.

"Where is your car bestie?" Mix asked seeing him walk to the other direction.

"Some fault again."

"Throw that garbage and get a new car," Mix replied.

"I will after I saved up enough money for new car," Bright said.

"You don't have to save money or buy new car when someone is always ready to chauffeur for you," Mix winked and left. Bright was confused but everything became clear when a black car pulled over to his side.

"Hop in," his rowdy boss said with a stupid grin.

Joss was surprised when Bright got inside without any protest. He did a small victory dance in his head and drove to the office.

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