SS Chapter 7: In his eyes

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Bright was still surprised seeing how well Joss mingled with Gorya and Ren. They are here at this small restuarant for the dinner they planned yesterday. Joss didn't seem to be awkward at all and quickly became friends with his outgoing personality. Looking at how Gorya and Ren were seeing him as he explained how much he loved Ren's book, they were smitten. He, on the other hand was still awkward with Joss himself, let alone Ren.

They came earlier just to sit and chat. Gorya ignored Bright's protest and told all his embarassing stories from college and the sad tales of whoever confessed to him. Joss sure did enjoyed all the details he got from Gorya.

"I think let's have dinner now," Ren suggested. "What do you guys need?"

Everyone picked the dishes they want. It was a self service hotel so, Ren went to order. When Bright volunteered to help him, Joss stopped him. He said he will help Ren and wanted to give some privacy for the friends who met after a long time.

Bright only nodded and watched the retreating back of his rowdy boss. He joined Ren and was waiting with him.

Ren was surprised to see Joss who wanted to accompany him. "You don't have to come here Joss, I will call if I need help."

"Its alright Ren, I came here with another intention. I wanted to give them some privacy."
Both men looked at the table where their loved ones were seated. With those expressions, Ren could tell Gorya was teasing Bright, but both of them were happy and smiling. He saw Joss, who was also smiling wide seeing them, but there was a glint of sadness in that smile.

"You love him, don't you?" Ren asked with a simple smile, no teasing, just genuine curiosity.

"Yes, I do. But he doesn't give me a chance."

"Gorya was also the same. It took lot of patience and effort to make her open up to me. She was so reserved when we first met."

"Same goes for Bright too. Hell, I have never seen him laughing untill yesterday." Joss' voice was laced with sadness. He was happy and enchanted to see Bright laughing, but the laugh was not for him, not because of him. That made him sad.

Ren understood the feeling well. "Gorya and Bright go long way back Joss. They have that special bond we will never understand."

Joss understood what the writer said. A reserved person like Bright, being himself meant that Gorya and him shared a special connection. "Do you know what made them special?"

"I know, but its not my story to tell. If you are really intended to stay in Bright's life, I am sure one day he will say that to you." Both men stared at the table where Gorya and Bright were engrossed in some serious talk.


Bright turned his attention from retreating back of his boss to Gorya infront of him.

"So, how is life?" He asked with a genuine smile, seeing his friend happy.

"Great, I guess," Gorya replied her eyes automatically going to the ring in her finger.

"I can't believe you found someone you love and now happily engaged," Bright said being happy for his friend.

"I told you many times Bright, not everyone is evil. Remember when I said there are still some good souls and there is always hope for love. Ren is one among them." Gorya looked at his man, who was busy talking with Joss.

Unlike Bright, Gorya was not entirely closed. She still believed in people and hoped there is someone for her, ready to love her truly for who she was. Ready to fight for her, care for her, make her smile and love her. Bright used to give a displeased face saying she was still hoping for a fairytale after all the things happened.

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