SS Chapter 11: Final

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A/N: So, we are in final chapter of this beautiful journey!

It all started with a crazy wish of wanting to see pregnant Tay and later I decided to throw in one of my favourite ghostship too. I didn't expect so many of you would be on board with this ship. Thank you guys for staying in this journey for almost 8 months now!!

I have something important to say at the end too. Happy reading!


"Will you go on a date with me?"

"Yes, I will warn you now itself, dating me is going to be hard."

"I am ready for any hardship that comes along with you."

Bright went on his first date with Joss the next day. They went to fine dinner at a rooftop restaurant. It may be cliche but they had really good time getting to know each other a little more.

Two days later, Bright finally took Joss' offer to ride on his bike as the elder opted to drop him at airport. Bright left with a promise to call daily and sweet peck on Joss' cheek.

A month later, they had their second date as Joss came to visit Bright in Bangkok. They shared their beautiful first kiss under the starlight when they went for proper stargazing date.

Two months later, Bright attended Gorya's wedding with Joss as his plus one. Needless to say Gorya was overjoyed seeing them together which lead to Ren complainig she was more happy for them than her wedding with Ren.

Three months later, after dating through chats and video calls, Bright decided to apply for transfer to Chiang Mai branch. His timing couldn't be better as Joss' secretary Jane also left notice for resignation as she was moving abroad with her boyfriend.

Six months later, Bright and his yaai moved to Chiang Mai. Bright was relieved after he trained new graduate named Nani for three months. What he didn't expect was Mix to cry on his send off party thrown by Tay.

Seven months later, he touched alcohol for the first time in the safety of Joss' home. Joss was shocked when he knew Bright never drank, he took it as a mission to have a taste. After lots of convincing Bright agreed to try if there is going to be only two of them.

As the alcohol took over his brain, his dreadful past flashed in front him. He broke down all of a sudden and Joss comforted him like he usually did without questioning anything.

Seven months two weeks later, Bright decided to say everything because Joss deserved to know. So he told him about Lucas and his friends, how they tricked him and almost molested him and how Gorya saved him.

"I won't be mad if you leave me. You might be disgusted with me," Bright finished his story sobbing.

Joss lifted Bright's tear streaked face with his fingers under his chin. He stared intently at his eyes and spoke with determination. "You just made me fall more for you Brighty, I would be an idiot if I let you go. I love you so much." He wiped the tears and pulled him into a hug.

"I lbbb uuu," he couldn't hear what Bright was mumbling as his face was buried in his shoulder. "What did you say?"

Bright wiped the remaining tears from his face. He looked Joss' eyes with same intensity Joss had earlier. "I love you too."

And that's how Bright said the words he thought he will never get to say it to someone.

Eight month and a week later, Bright came across a strange news which shook the nation. Four heirs of big conglomerate got involved in murder of a victim as they assaulted him when they were high on drugs. His hands trembled when he saw the photo of four of them being arrested.

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