SS Chapter 8: Not bad

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A/N: Sorry for the long delay!! Got busy with works.


Two months later

Time flew fast after their return from Korea trip. Joss was still trying to impress Bright, but Bright was still stubborn. Still Joss hadn't given up on his love. He brought coffee for Bright every morning along with his favourite chocolate, sent cheesy messages every morning and night, volunteered to drop and pick him up, which Bright obviously denied, then his boss would take the bus trip with him. Sometimes he randomly paid visit to his yaai with fruits or vegetables and of course yaai asked him to stay for dinner.

Bright grew tired of telling him to stop. These days he let Joss do whatever he wants. The only thing which progressed was Bright no longer waited to go home to have his chocolate. He ate them when he felt tired. Sometimes Joss would see him eating that and there will be a stupid grin on his face which he chose to ignore.

Today, Joss was on site visit. He told he can manage it alone as the site was on his way to office. He didn't want to trouble Bright to come all the way. So, Bright was working on the new plan they have to present it to Tay that afternoon. Tay was in his last weeks of pregnancy so they planned to visit him that afternoon and show this plan.

When Bright completed his work his mobile notified someone was calling. He didn't need to check because of the special ringtone he set for his rowdy boss.

In call


Brighty are you done with your work?

Yes sir.

Then come down after 15 mins, let's go to P'Tay's house for briefing.

Okay sir.

He cut the call and got the things ready for visiting Tay. When he stepped out of his office his stomach growled loudly. He checked the time, its time for lunch and he was super hungry because he hadn't anything as he was so immersed in his work and there was no chocolate today.

He ignored his stomach's whining and went to parking. There was Joss in his black car. He immediately occupied passenger seat.

"You got everything ready?" Joss asked driving slowly out of the building.

"Yes sir."

The ride was not so silent as Joss kept talking about his site visit and concerns related to it. Bright was confused when Joss drove somewhere away from direction of Tay's house.

"Where are we going sir?" He asked.

"To have lunch, there is a nice restaurant in this place."

"I thought we were having lunch at P'Tay's house."

"I forgot to inform we are coming by lunch time and I don't want to trouble mae Godji by going there unanounced," Joss smiled sheepishly.

Bright couldn't help but get annoyed. "That's why I said I will inform. Atleast we could have had lunch in office cafeteria."

"C'mon you always eat cafeteria lunch, today you should try something different, don't worry it's my treat," Joss said as he stopped infront of a fine restaurant. It was neither extravagant nor cheap.

Bright half heartedly got down and went with Joss. The board at the front caught his attention.


Joss immediately stopped his steps. "What Brighty?"

"It says reservation must."

"Don't worry, I already booked a table for us." Joss said casually leading them inside. When he said his name, the waiter guided them to a secluded table at the corner.

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