Chapter 10💙Late night date

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New turned around in his sleep to hug Tay, but he couldn't find him. He quickly opened his eyes and switched on the nightlight. He felt the place next to him cold. He got up and dashed to restroom but Tay was not there. His heart was beating miles per minute not finding Tay in his bedroom. He took a few deep calming breaths, only then he heard some weak noise coming from the living room.

He walked swiftly to the living room only to find Tay peacefully watching National geography with low volume. Not wanting to startle him, he called him before approaching him.

"Baby, what are you doing at this hour?" His voice still raspy from his sleep.Though he was cautious Tay got startled. He smiled on seeing New with his bedhead.

"Oh hin... did I disturbed you?" He asked reducing the volume even less. New slided next to him on the couch resting his head on Tay's shoulder.

"No, I woke up not finding you next to me. Why are you awake at this hour Tay?" He asked amidst his yawning.

"I can't sleep Newwie. I tried to sleep but I can't. I was so jealous seeing you sleeping peacefully. I felt bored so I came to see TV."

"Why didn't you wake me Tay?" New asked softly caressing Tay's arm.

"You work all day unlike me. You handle the company and our joint projects and still take care of me. Its only fair I let you have some sleep instead of being burden."

New got up from his position hearing Tay's last sentence. His face was neutral but his heart was offended. How can Tay think like that?

He held Tay's face in his palm focusing his attention from TV to his face. "Listen carefully and always remember this Tay. You are never burden to me baby. You never was and never will."

Tay was amused seeing the absolute sincerety in his words. How can he think his hin will think him as a burden? Even after knowing New for years why he thought like that? Tay realised how much New must've hurt on hearing him. His eyes started to tear up.

"I am sorry I hurt you" he spoke to very confused and worried New. "I shoudn't have said something like that even after knowing how much you care for me."

New felt little relieved on hearing Tay. His hormones are acting again. He hugged Tay so close but letting him still comfortable and rubbing his back soothingly.

"Its alright Tay. I am not hurt. Don't cry na" he kissed his cheeks and whispered sweet nothings till Tay calmed down and left from the hug.

They both laid back on the couch and were watching about migrating birds. Tay was cuddling him. But New could sense something was bothering Tay.

"Are you okay Tay?" He asked softly caressing Tay's head.

"Its boring hin."

"Then shall we go back to sleep?" He asked but Tay shook his head.

"Shall we go for a walk?" But before hearing New he continued, "that's so stupid. Its already late and you should rest."

"We can go Tay" New patted his shoulder signalling him.

"What? No hin! As I said, its stupid. Its 1.30 am. You should sleep."

"Come on Tay, I am awake already. I might as well please my babies" he got up and headed inside to find his car keys and grabbed a hoodie for Tay. He developed habit of calling babies sometimes, including both Tay and their baby.

Tay eyed the keys with visible confusion. "Why are you bringing keys? I meant a walk just outside."

"Oh." New pouted sadly. "I thought we will go to our usual place like our college days."

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