SS Chapter 10: Visit

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It's been 5 days since Joss came back to Chiang Mai. 5 days of ignoring others and living in his own world. He went to office 2 days back but after that he is in his home taking sick leave when infact drowning himself in alcohol. He thought he could carry on his life without thinking about Bright, but who was he kidding? He felt the younger's presence like air around him. Everything reminded of him and the waiting for a simple message from his love was driving him insane. So that's how he ended up in this condition. Lying on the floor of his living room with takeout boxes and empty bottles with a splitting hangover.

Somewhere his phone was ringing, which was adding fuel to the fire called headache. He reached for his phone without even opening his eyes, knocking few empty bottles in the process.


Of course, everyone called him except the person he desperately hoped.

In call


"Hey man I heard you are back in town, why didn't you inform me?"

"What for?"

"Woah... what happened to you? Why do you sound like shit?"


"I know there is something. Let's meet up for lunch. My treat."

"I am not interested."

"Even if you aren't interested I am going to come to your home and drag your ass with me."

Without saying anything Joss cut the call abruptly. He didn't feel like socializing at all. After few minutes he drifted back to sleep.

But again he was woken up by the doorbell sound. He checked the time, he slept around another hour after his call with Luke.

It must be Luke, he assumed. He got up groaning as his joints were protesting to stand up. With slow steps he reached the door, but the person on other side seemed impatient with the way they kept ringing continously.

"Luke! I already told you I am not coming anywh..."

His words got struck in his throat seeing the person infront of him.

"Great! Now I started hallucinating too," he closed the door, but a hand reached out to stop the door.

"Joss, its me."

Joss rubbed his eyes and saw again. It was really Bright, dressed in baby blue T shirt he bought for him in Korea.
"Is that really you Brighty?"

Bright nodded shyly. "Its really me."


After Joss left

Bright didn't come out of his room all weekend except for food. His yaai was worried but he shrugged it off saying he was just moody.

Things only got worse when he went for work that monday. Everyone in office were happy to have Tay back, himself included. But there was a strong feeling of something missing, infact of being everything back in its place.

When he came home that evening, he found an invitation in their mailbox. It was Gorya's wedding invitation, it came with a small note asking him to call when he recieved.

He gave the invitation to yaai who was very happy for her. Back in those days, she thought Bright was dating her, but it turned out to be only her wish. Bright and Gorya were only friends.

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