Chapter 2💙Pregnant

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New was keenly observing Tay. Tay's mind was wandering off. He was not attentive in the meeting which is unusual. He knows Tay barely listened to the presentation given by the project lead Lee.

They were starting a new joint project, for urban habitat development. They got the tender from government to build apartments for people below poverty line. It is a very reputed project which could add credit to both the companies.

"With this estimated budget, we could assure the building would be of good quality but it might not be enough to raise the image of our companies. So we have to come up with other creative ideas to make our project stand out with the given budget" Lee explained and ended his presentation.

Everyone was waiting for Tay's comments but he was not aware.

"Very good presentation Lee. We will discuss about further ideas in next meeting" New said and everyone dispersed.

Tay and New got up and headed to the lift while Bright and Mix followed them quite behind.

"Tay, are you alright?" New held Tay's hand and asked softly. "I am fine hin, I am just tired" he said showing his tired smile.

"You are tired a lot lately, shall we go and consult with a doctor?" New's voice was concerned.

"Its just change of weather New. I will be alright, don't worry na" he said and they stepped in when the lift arrived. The meeting was held in Tay's office, so New decided to leave to his office after having lunch with Tay. So he pressed the button for Tay's office instead of going to basement parking.

Once the lift started to move New felt Tay's grip on him was tight. Tay was never scared of lift and he never held his hand this tightly unless he feels some discomfort.

Once the lift stopped, Mix and Bright stepped out. When New decided to step out he saw Tay's grip on him loosing and Tay was fainting. New's reflex was quick and he catched Tay before he could hit the floor. Bright and Mix were shocked to see the scene unfold. They have never seen Tay as this weak.

Bright dropped the things he was holding quickly helped New to carry Tay. As this floor had only Tay's office there were no other people in that area. They both managed to bring Tay to the couch in his waiting area.

"Have it P'New" Mix handed the bottle of water to New and begin to help Bright in loosening Tay's tie and shirt.

New splashed the water in Tay's face and gently shook him.

"Tay...Tay..." he kept calling his name while shaking him. Slowly Tay opened his eyes and tried to focus.

"Phew thank god" New immediately hugged him. When he pulled away he saw how sacred his Newwie was.

"I am alright Hin" he said hugging him again and stroking his back. New pinched him.

"What is that for?"

"You expect me to believe you are alright when I literally saw you fall!" New was pissed now.

"Mix, fix an appointment with him" New handed his phone after selecting a contact.

"Yes P" Mix went far away to call the person.

Tay was silent, he knew better to not stop New. Bright was waiting to know what they are going to do.

"P'New I fixed appointment after two hours." Mix came back after few minutes.

"Ok then, we will leave after having lunch" New said and all three nodded. They ordered food from office cafeteria. New and Tay had their lunch inside their cabin while Bright and Mix had their lunch in Bright's cabin which was outside Tay's office.

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