Chapter 11💙Prince or Princess?

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"Are you guys nervous or excited?" Mew asked the couple sitting before him.

"Definitely excited" New said and Tay nodded along. "Ok then, do you guys have gender reveal party or should I directly say to you guys?" Mew asked them.

Yes, stepping into 22 weeks of pregnancy, Tay and New are here to know the gender of their baby. And exactly day before his appointment, Off and Gun came to visit the soon to be parents with their favourite dishes from their restuarant.

Surprisingly, Gun did his own research and came to know, gender will be revealed when 21 weeks and came up with idea to throw gender reveal party. To be honest, Tay and New didn't want to have any of those parties but eventually Off and Gun convinced them to have one. All of their friends were very excited than the expecting couple. Arm had exceeded his expectations with maternity clothes, and also brought a set of clothes every week.

Krist and Singto also visited them one time and stayed whole day helping them to clear things and clean the baby room. Yes, they are renovating another guest room into baby room. Joss, Bright and Mix also visited them in weekends with Tay's favourite snacks. Overall, Tay was the most cherished.

"Yeah, we have a gender reveal party. If we knew the gender before them, that little mouse will kill us" Tay said with a hearty laugh.

"Ok then, should I look for the mouse in traps?" Mew joked back.

"You don't have to. Here, this is his number. Just call and inform him." New handed Gun's contact details to Mew.

"Ok then, now shall we go and see your little one?" Mew asked and everyone headed to ultrasound room.

Tay got up the table and laid down lifting his shirt. His bump was very prominent which Mew said as a healthy sign. As usual he hissed when Mew spread the cold gel on his tummy, he will never get used to the cold sensation.

"Ok, lets see what baby is doing!" Mew said placing the wand over his tummy and slighty tracing around.

Tay and New looked at their happiness in the screen. The baby has grown significantly, they don't have to squint their eyes anymore to find their little joy.

"Oho, looks like they are sleepy!" Mew exclaimed. Tay and New saw their baby yawning adorably and their hand moving to mouth as the baby was trying to suck the thumb. A vision blinding smile was plastered on Tay and New's faces seeing their little one.

"Ok, I found out their gender. They are very cooperative" Mew paused for a suspense but Tay and New didn't ask anything about it.

"What? You are not going to ask the gender? Or you are that scared of Mr. Attaphan?" Mew asked again.

"We are fine with any gender P'Mew. We want the baby should be healthy. That's all matters" New said.

"Your baby is healthy. No worries. They are lucky to have you guys as their parent" Mew said and handed some tissues to New to wipe the gel.

They came back to Mew's office for further prescription and advice. "You are healthy Tay. Please stick to the diet and excercise routine. You can get backpain or leg cramps in upcoming days. Place your legs in elevated position while sitting. Though your nausea and vomiting stopped, you can feel dizzy. Avoid standing up fastly. Always slow your movement before standing up."

New and Tay were listening intently. They already knew what to expect from all the pregnancy books they have read.

"Now, lets talk about the baby. They are perfectly healthy. And you guys should start talking to them, if you haven't started talking. Their auditory system is now developed and they can recognise your voice. Even if your voice sucks you can start singing lullaby to your baby" Mew said making Tay and New chuckle.

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