Chapter 16💙It's time

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"Ok, what do you think about these names?"

"Let's hear what your papa wrote for past hour, shall we?" Tay said to their baby instead of answering New.

"Apple, Pear, Milk, Peach, Orange..."

"Stop stop," Tay halted him.

"Newwie, did you confused your name list with grocery list or were you hungry while writing these names?"

"Why? What's wrong with these names?"

"Hey she is our daughter, not some fruit you pluck from tree! I will not let you name her any of the names you wrote now. She is so special, so her name also should be special."

"So, that's why you wrote Angel, Gift and Miracle?" New retorted.

"Yeah. What's wrong with these names?" Tay asked lazily caressing his tummy.

"If you named her Gift, then what will you name her sibling? Second gift?" New asked seriously.

"Yaa... don't get carried away! You haven't met your first child, but already imagining about your second child huh?" Tay rolled his eyes.

New had his smug smile. "I am not going to stop until we have 4 kids."

"I am not going to allow that. I am already tired with this one itself."

"Don't worry, I will take care you like this even if we have fifth baby!" New said sincerely.

Tay was touched at his words. "But I think you will get tired of me."

"I will never get tired of loving you," New kissed Tay's palm.

"So cheesy..." Tay hit him playfully.

But New playfully kissed his palm again and again. "Stop it hin, we are nowhere near to select a name."

New retrived back. "Let's do one thing. We will think about name, when the baby is born."

Tay also agreed. New shifted close to him and his eyes were fixed intently on Tay as he leaned forward. Tay also leaned forward closing his eyes, expecting a kiss but New reached for his ear.

"I am hungry..."

Tay's breath hitched at the sudden closeness. There was a phase were Tay was horny almost everytime of the day. But now he is not. He is feeling so shy when New whispered sexily at the middle of the day.

"Shall we go have our lunch?"

Yeah, just like that all the fire ignited in his heart was put out. "L- lunch?"

"Yeah.. its lunch time," New giggled seeing the flustered Tay.

"I knew it! You were hungry while writing those names!" Tay mumbled. New helped him to get on his feet so they could go to dining room.

Tay was now entering 38th week of pregnancy. Just few days away from his due. In the past weeks, their baby was reaching its full growth. Over the past weeks, his weight increased as the baby was gaining weight. He can no longer walk without panting, everything was making him tired. Even his walk turned into waddle like penguin, which New found very adorable. He sneakily took videos of Tay walking in their home.

New was also staying at home, helping him. He had another reason to stay, Mew told them Tay may start feeling Braxton hicks, which they call false labour. Few days before Tay had them, fortunately Godji was there to help him. After that event, New didn't want to take any risks, so he stayed at home.

He was now sitting on his couch, eating his fried bananas after lunch. Usually, cravings stops at end of 2nd trimester, but Tay still had cravings for fried bananas.

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