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I cower back as I watch my pack be slaughtered before my eyes. Tears fall down my face. One of the wolves, my mother, crawls over to me. Before she can say anything, she is stabbed in the back with a knife. I close my eyes as her blood spurts all over me. I look up at the man who killed my mom.

He raises his knife over me. I brace for the life ending hit but, it never comes. I open my eyes and move my arms. The man is standing back and a new man is standing in front of me. I look up at his face. He has no face.

The man has a featureless white face and is wearing a black formal suit. He extends his hand to me.

"Come along, darling. I want to show you to your new home." The man explains.

I stay on all fours, walking up to him. I smell his leg, then sit back down. I place my hand in his hand.

He pulls me up off all fours and onto two feet. I stumble and fall back onto my knees. I growl and follow behind him on all fours.


This extremely tall gentleman leads me into a large wooden mansion. I follow him as he leads me up some stairs. I watch him walk up.

I lean my body against the railing and slowly stumble up the stairs, trying to find the best path. Suddenly, I am picked up off the stairs and carried away.

The next thing I feel under me is warm cloth like substance. I curl up on it. It is quite warm. I feel my eye lids droop as I slowly fall into a deep slumber.


I wake up in an unfamiliar setting. I sit up. I look around. The room has basic white walls and wood flooring. I get off the bed and walk over to the door. I lean up against the door and gently turn the nob with my hand.

The door opens and I fall out. I whine a little, startled by the sudden change of position. I get back onto my feet (all fours) and close the door with my head. The door is painted purple. I crawl down the hallway, looking for the tall gentleman.

I find the stairs again and carefully make my way down. I slip on a step and tumble down the stairs. I stop rolling when I hit my back on something.

I look up, spotting the tall man. I get back to my feet and follow the man into what looks like a dining room. He sits at the head of the table and I sit next to him, in a chair.

More unusual people join the table. When food comes out, I sigh. No meat. I look up at the rest of the people, examining them.

Eventually, they finish eating. Their stares all make their way to me. I pull on my dress nervously.

The tall man calls my attention. I turn to him.

"I am Slenderman and these are my proxies. What is you name?" He asks. I sigh. My human talk is really rusty.

"It'S (Y/N). (Y/N) of the NortH pAck." My voice cracks as I introduce myself. The gentleman nods. I lay my head down on the table and relax.

Suddenly, I am pulled up by the collar of my dress. I gasp, accidentally releasing a growl. This man looks at me. He has a mask on.

"Leave me alone!" I bark. (As in, she says it in Wolf speak.) He backs off and I smile, leaning back in my chair. I look over at the man across from me. He leans over the table excitedly.

"Please tell my you eat corpses!" The excited man yells in my face.

He has a smile carved into his face and he doesn't blink. I tilt my head in confusion. I lift my hand up and poke his eye ball. He shouts and stumbles back into his chair, holding his eye.

"What the hell was that for?" He yells angrily.

I tilt my head again.

"..Hurt.. you?" I ask. He stands back up.

"Hell ya, you hurt me. You poked me in the fucking eye!" He yells. I look back and forth between this man and my finger.

"Don't.. poke... eye." I note to myself.

How do I apologise in human language again? I'll just do it in wolf.

I push my plate over to him with my nose. He moves his hand away from his eye. His eye is red.

"Are you.. apologizing?" He asks. I nod. He grabs my plate and eats it all. "Apology accepted."

I look over at Slenderman. I point to my belly.

"What do you eat?" He asks. I tilt my head. He walks into the kitchen. A few minutes later, he comes back with a dead bird. I tear it open with my teeth and start eating the good inside.

I lean back, wiping blood off my face with my sleeve. I set my hands back in my lap. The people at the table are stunned with how fast I ate the bird.

The person sitting next to me catches my attention. He waves at me enthusiastically. I wave back.

"Hi, I-I'm Ticci Toby. Nice t-to meet ya!" He shouts. I whine, covering my eyes. His eyes soften. "Sorry."

I remember now, you say sorry to apologise.

"..It's.... fine." I answer. He smiles and wraps his arms around me. I stiffen. He quickly releases me.

"S-sorry, I should have a-asked first." He apologizes.

"..what was.. that?" I ask. He looks up at me, eyes wide.

"You.. don't know what a hug is? Oh, you poor thing." He swoons.

That wasn't a hug. I'll show him what a hug is. Play tackle!

"A... hug? That.. wasn't a... hug. This.." I explain. I tackle him to the ground and hold myself over him. "Hug."

"I forgot about the wolves thing. Sorry." He says from under me. I move off him and crawl back into my chair.

"..sor-ry, I should have asked first." I apologize. He shrugs.

"It's not like you can hurt me." He explains. I tilt my head in confusion. I lean over and poke him in the eye. He doesn't even flinch.

"No... hurt.. you?" I ask. He nods. I furrow my eyebrows, licking my lips.

I start running my fingers through my hair, pulling out the twigs and feathers.

"When were you left with the wolves?" Slenderman asks. I exhale.

"Mom... stab... almost.. die... wolf found... her. Took me.. raised me as... pup!" I explain. I hold my head gently, my head splitting.

"So, you were raised by wolves?"

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