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"Why is she so quiet? She probably had an ugly voice."


Don't judge me because I'm quiet. No one plans a murder out loud.

I stand up, smiling. I walk around the woods, smiling to myself. I look down at my clothes darkened by blood.

They deserved it. They all did. The sharp metallic scent of the red liquid reaches my nose.

Fresh blood. I wonder what's going on. I follow the scent, staying silent.

I find the death. It happened in a small clearing. I hide behind a tree, curious.

I look at the person. He is hanging over a corpse. From the build, I'd say the victim is a male in his late thirties.

He continues to slice the corpse multiple times with what seems to be two hatchets. I can't see much in the dim light of the moon.

The killer has a slight build so I assume it's a fit male in his late teens, early twenties.

Suddenly, a figure runs past me. I stay in the dark, not moving. The figure runs into the clearing.

"Toby! Did you get him?!" The male asks the other male.

"Yes! How about you, Masky?" He asks, obviously worried. Another quiet figure runs past me.

"We got them both. Hoodie should be here any- here he is." 'Masky' explains.

"We should probably get back to Boss, then." Toby explains.

The one named Hoodie taps Masky's shoudler. Hoodie whispers in Masky's ear and start to walk in the opposite direction of me. Toby followed them, looking aloof.

I can't tell what they are planning because their faces are covered. I decide to walk into the clearing and look at the body. I tighten the bandana around my mouth and bend down next to the body.

I take out my small knife and some gloves. I pull the gloves on and pick up my small skinning knife. I pull the male's chest apart, accounting for all the organs. One is missing, a kidney.

I look on the outside layer of skin for a scar. Sure enough, a large scar is on the broken tissue.

I open his lungs. Inside his lungs are charred, scarred and black. I blink in surprise.

If these men hadn't killed you, you would have died very soon.

I set the knife down, popping my knuckles. I push my knife back into it's sheath and push the medical gloves into my pocket.

I look down at my singed fingerprints. They were burned off a long time ago by my very... evil mother.

I stand up, stretching my arms. I pop my neck and walk to the edge of the clearing. I sit on the ground, leaning against a tree. I stay very still.

Soon, a very large, unusual looking dog walks into the clearing. It starts to eat away at the male's juicy insides.

Eventually, the dog finishes and walks off. Next thing I know, the people from before return to the clearing.

Someone else is with them. It is a very tall being. I can't tell from where I am what it is. They seems to be speaking telepathically. I watch in confusion.

Soon, they all turn to face me. I freeze like a deer in headlights.

Maybe, it's just a coincidence... I don't believe in coincidences.

They start to walk my direction. I still do not move. They stop in front of me. A static sound starts to erupt in the back of my head.

I show no outward sign of pain but, it hurts like a buttcheek on a stick. I adjust my position, honestly my mind in pain.

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