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I groan, running faster. I need to stop so I can get him.

I quickly throw myself into a tree, starting to hum my song.

Here my voice
Beneath the sea
Sleeping now
So peacefully

At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity

Nah, hah, lah huh, ahhahh~

He walks to my tree, standing below me. I jump down. He smiles at me.

Sailors live so restlessly
Come with me
Sleep peacefully
Listen to this Siren Song~
Worry not
For nothing's wrong

Let my voice
Lead you this way
I will not
Lead you astray
Trust me as we reach the side
Jumping out
Where men have died

He falls into my arms. I scowl, stabbing my moonstone dagger into his neck. He falls to the ground, dead.

I smile, collecting his soul. I carve a symbol into his arm. I stand up, walking around this forest.

I've never been in one before. It's feels like it's really quiet.

I suddenly hear rustling next to me. A man walks up to me before stopping.

He has white leathery looking skin, ash black hair, and wide unblinking eyes. The thing that catches my attention is his smile. Two cuts into his skin bring his smile to impossible lengths.

He freezes, looking me over. Before, running at me. I groan, running deeper into the forest.

He chases me, laughing the whole time.


We stop in a clearing. I slam into something invisible to my eye. The guy had me pinned.

"Any last words?" He asks, his voice raspy. I smirk, looking up.

"Yah, behind you." I tell him. He looks behind him. I quickly run, before slamming into another being. I blink, looking up.

A tall, slender man in a suit. He is faceless. I blink.

"Trender?" I ask, shocked. I look at the figure. I back up off the figure.

"You aren't Trender. Who are you?" I ask. I groan, remembering I forgot. Before I can start a tendrils cuts me off. It clasps around my neck.

Here my voice
Beneath the sea
Sleeping now
So peacefully

At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity

I smirk, thrusting my hand at the figure. The guy with the scar smile attacks the figure. In return, the figure drops me. I back up, running into another person.

I look up at them. A blue mask covers their face. I shove them off me, thrusting my hand in his direction. The scar smile guy attacks him. I back up, taking a deep breath.

Sailors live so restlessly
Come with me
Sleep peacefully
Listen to this Siren Song~
Worry not
For nothing's wrong

The other person falls under my control. I send them both to attack the figure. Three people appear from nothing. I furrow my eyebrows in fustration. I send the blue mask one on them. I have no clue how they feel because their faces are covered. My melody continues.

"Jack! Stop! What the hell are you doing?!" The one in the white mask yells. I smirk. My hands stay raised as I start to back away. Before I reenter the forest, I hit something. A hand clamps over my mouth, tendrils bounding me to myself.

My eyes widen. My control over the beings drops. They fall to their knees, dizzy. My eyes widen. I didn't collect their souls, I used to much energy! Shit!

I start to struggle against the figure. The three figures walk over, confused. I look at them, confused myself.

"Do you... not hear that?" The one with the white mask asks. I blink. Hear what?

"Hermph, wheart?" I ask, my voice muffled.

"The static." He answers. I shake my head. The man looks up at the figure. I'm so confused. The masked man looks back at me. "Are you a siren?"

I look away. I close my eyes, exhaustion overcoming me.


I wake up in a bed, a gag on my mouth. My hands are placed inside metal cuffs. I roll my eyes. I sit up, pushing the sheet off me. I climb out of the bed. I stop when I hear a noise. I turn around. It's scar smile. He looks pissed. I smirk the best I can.

He runs at me, knife raised. I jump onto the bed, sliding my arms over his shoulders. I pull the cuffs against his neck, choking him. I need his soul. He makes some gagging noises.

Next thing I know, I am thrown into a wall by an outside force. My head hits the wall, making me dizzy. I stand up when my vision clears.

"Inh nedth a southl." I muffle out. The figure looks at me, confused. "Soulth, Inh nedth a southl!"

He walks over, cautiously pulling of the gag. I take a deep breath.

"I need a soul! I used too much energy!" I yell. He quickly covers my mouth. The white masked man walks into the room.

"Are you a siren?" He asks. I look away, my mouth uncovered.

"Not anymore." I answer. The man looks up at the figure.

"Elaborate." He orders. I sigh.

"I am part siren, as you can tell, I have no tail." I begin. "My dad was a siren, my mom human. My dad had to migrate and he came back with another woman. This isn't what I actually look like."

I take a deep breath, holding my hand above my head. Blue sparks start to leave my hand before I freeze. The sparks disappear. I look up at the figure.

"You are an operator." I state. He nods. I smirk, starting to laugh. "That's the problem!"

They look at me. I roll my eyes. I hold my hands up to them.

"Uncuff me. I need to get my stone so I can contact Trender." I order. They look skeptical, before uncuffing me. I roll my eyes, pulling the stone out of my pocket.

The seafoam colored stone starts to glow. I force the little soul energy I have left into it. Next thing I know, Trender is next to me, freaking out.

"Aqua, where are you? Why is your soul energy so low? What happened to your clothes?" He asks, frantically looking me over.

I smile, waving him off.

"I'm fine. I just need you to tell the gentleman to kindly fuck off." I tell him. He turns around, then he looks shocked.

"Brother?!" He yells. I cover my ears. Trender apologizes.

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