The Girl Who Likes To Bleed (Pt. 2)

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I quickly open my eyes, met with two other ones. I blink twice, they don't blink. I stare into their eyes a little longer.

"You have really pretty eyes." I hum. The person backs up, sitting next to me. I sit up, holding my head. I look over at the person.

They are so... unusual. They have long ash black hair. White leathery looking skin. Wide unblinking eyes. A tinge of blue around their black pupils. Their smile is the most unusual thing about them. The smile is large and red, blood seeping from it. I blink twice before looking down, trying to remember where I am.

Suddenly, all my thoughts come rushing back at once. I throw myself off the bed I was in, bracing myself against the wall. I breathe heavily. I watch the other person in the room intently.

They look confused by my sudden actions, but stay silent.

"Who are you? Where am I? What do you want?" I ask quickly. They paused for a moment, as if they are going to speak. They don't speak.

Suddenly, my panicking thoughts are cut short. A tall man just appears in the room. I blink twice, my eyes darting around. I look for an exit. A wood door is on the other side of the room. It's probably locked. The window by it is a better option. It's wide open. I look at the tall man. Well, I think it's a man. He doesn't seem like he could do, much.

I quickly plan a route around this man in my mind. I take a deep breath, waiting. The tall person moves to approach me. I quickly slide between his legs, running for the window. I serve around the other person, throwing myself out the window. I curl into a ball, before uncurling. I land on my knees, running into what seems to be a forest.


After running for what seemed like hours, I stop. I drop to the ground, not able to run anymore. On my hands and knees... hair falls into my face as I breathe heavily to catch my breath.

I glance behind me, looking for the individuals. I don't see them. I can hear them though.

"Will you please just leave me alone?!" I yell in the direction of two voices. "That's what everyone else did..."

I hug myself as I hear the people approach. The tall man, Tim, and the person with the smile approach me. I look up at Tim, eyes wide. I shroud away from them, hiding my face.

Hot tears roll down my face. My fists clench and unclench furiously. I growl, standing up. I glare at the people with burning hatred.

"Leave me alone. I don't know why you insist. I'm a monster." I growl, shoving my hands into my pockets. I turn my back to them, walking away.

Just before I leave the small clearing, a body jumps at me. They take me to the ground but, I throw them over me. I growl, glaring at them. It's the one with the smile.

I feel something small resonate in my head. A voice.

Stay. You won't regret it.

I blink twice. I freeze, not moving. I glance over my shoulder. The tall man has his hand outstretched. The other two are gone.

I turn to face him, walking up to him. He holds his hand to me, before I give in.

I gently place my hand in his. He grasps it tightly, wind rushing all around us.

My tail and ears fall from my body. A fierce bloodlust crawls over me, waiting to be lashed out.

I look up at the creature. I wonder what his blood looks like. I smile sadistically, attacking the creature. It takes a few hits, even loosing a tendril.

A sudden wave of nausea crashes over me. I pause, falling to the ground. I hold my hand to my head, confused.

His blood is a deep black. It leaks from my lips, nauseating. I growl, starting to spit the black substance out of my mouth. I sit back, the disgusting taste still slightly lingering in my mouth.

I stand up, catching myself. I shake my hands, the claws disappearing. I gag, my vision dizzy. My vision soon clear.

"I... I apologize. I.. need to go." I mumble, wrapping my arms around myself before a hand stops me.

Please stay.

"You don't understand. I.. will kill you... This is what I was afraid of!"

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