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Her beautiful body could be clearly seen from the camera of her phone. Ben leans foreward in his chair, enamored by her perfect frame.

She has beautiful ginger hair that rolls down her back in beautiful curls. Her skin is the color of caramel. She has beautiful bright green with just the most beautiful sheen. Freckles covered her tan body because of the summer sun.

She's curvy in all the best places and to Ben, she was the perfect woman.

He discovered one day when he was stalking for another kill. She literally fell into her.

She was nothing but kind to him. She helped him up before continuing on with her busy workday.

She's a very busy woman. She's a baker. She works at a bakery and a cafe. Daytime at the cafe and nighttime at the bakery. Despite the lack of sleep, she loves every second of her life.

During her free time, she just sits back and reads. She loves reading. She's even writing a few books. She can't seem to keep on top of one book though. She always gets distracted.

Ben has been stalking her since the day he first met her, studying her every move. He applied to work at the cafe she works at.

He craves to be closer to her. He wanted her to be his. He would do anything to make his fantasy a reality.

His three screen gaming set up also doubled as the perfect spying setup. He watched her in glee and she cleaned around her house. She was listening to some random indie song. Knowing every lyric, she danced to the beat.

Her voice matched her body, making her even better.

The craziest thing to Ben, was that this perfect woman, was single. He was upset that he didn't have to kill anyone to get to her.

Suddenly, a loud bing rings out through Ben's room. He quickly opens the message.

Dear Benjamin,

We are happy to imform you that you have been hired as a waiter at Rory's Cafe. Please stop by within the next few days to fill out paperwork and decide on your start date.

Cassandra Willis

Ben started jumping up and down in pure glee. He was finally going to work with the love of his life.

And hopefully, she would fall in love with him as he had her.


Ben prances through the front door of the small bakery. He smiles wide as he walks up to the counter. He leans forward on it, looking around for an employee. A short woman with black hair rounds the corner, her hair pulled into a loose ponytail. As her hair sways, her electric pink hair comes into view. Its a peekabo dye job, very popular in today's day and age.

"Hi! Welcome to Rory's cafe! How can I help you?" The woman asks. Ben's smile grows wider.

"My name is Ben, I was sent a messa-"

"Oh, hi Ben! My name is Cassandra! Its a pleasure to meet you. Please follow me to the back." She interrupts Ben, introducing herself. She quickly slups behind the counter into the back and Ben follows.

Behind the counter is the caos of kitchen staff and servers. Cassandra weaves her wau through the hustle and bustle, expertly. Ben searches for his love, to no avail. Then he remembers that he his here on a Tuesday, her day off.

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