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I quickly try to hide the pain growning over the bridge of my nose. The teacher looks back at me.

"Hakihu. Go to the nurse. It's seems your soulmate got into another fight." He states. I look at him.

"Yes, sir." I comply, standing up. I wince, collecting my items. I walk down to the nurses office.

I wince, more pain growing in different areas of my body. More black marks appear in the place of my soulmate's wounds.

I finally arrive at the nurses office.

"Again, dear? You're soulmate must be a hero or something." She states. I smile sheepishly.

"Probably not. He is probably just bullied." I explain, smiling sadly.

"Whatever you want to think, dear." She explains.


I hold my arm, my left eye squinting in pain. I glare at the villian before me. A crowd of people surrounds us.

'Why aren't the pros here yet!?'

The villian moves in to attack again. I duck under his flying arm, which had turned into a sword, and hit him with my quirk from behind.

The blue electricity flows into his system and he starts to shake before falling to the ground, unconcious.

I sigh heavily, my shoulders dropping. I take a deep breath.

Suddenly, an attack comes from the air. I quickly dodge by rolling out of the way. I turn to face my attacker.

Analyzing him, I could tell his quirk had something to do with shapeshifting. His right arm shifted into that of a gorilla.

He charged into attack me. I raise my hand and send three green electricity beams towards him. Each one hits him.

He falls to the ground also unconcious. I quickly bend my electricity around both men as a sort of restraint.

Another man moves to attack me and almost makes contact. I feel pain in my side.

'Not now, soulmate! You have the worst timing!'

I thrust my hand up, soon I've charged up enough static. I release the attack.

"STATIC PRISON!" I yell. The men are all captured within an electrifying cell as I await the pros.

I groan and sit on the ground, still holding my broken arm.

Finally, the pros and the cops arrive. I sigh, standing up.

"What happened here?" The policeman asks me.

"Well, these men attacked me out of nowhere so I fought back." I explain. "They should all be unconcious and as long as they are in my prison, they should not be able to activate their quirks."

"Thank you, ma'am. We will be taking these thugs in, now."


"...And this amazing teenage girl was attacked walking home from school. She was able to fend off and disable the villans. And this young lady doesn't even attend U.A!" The reporter on the screen says to the others.

"Really, well, she should really apply. She could make an amazing hero. Let's replay the footage of her taking down those villans." The second reporter states.

Sure enough, a video popped up showing myself beating all those villians with my quirk.

"You should really apply, darling." My mother states. I sigh heavily.

"Fine. But only for you, mama." I explain. She smiles, nodding.


I walk up to the large school, sighing heavily. Of course, everyone was complimenting me as I walked down the street. I furrow my eyebrows and walk into the building.

I soon arrive at my classroom.

'The infamous Class 1-A, huh.'

I open the door and walk inside. The teacher points to a seat in the back and I smile softly, walking to the seat.

"We have a new student, blah, blah, blah. I'm taking my nap now, converse amongst yourselves about the sports festival." The man explains before pulling a yellow sleeping bag over him and laying down on the floor.

I look down and begin doodling in the back of my notebook before being bombarded by people.

"One at a time, please." I mutter. They all pause. I sit back in my chair and close my eyes serenely, awaiting a question.

"Are you single?"

"Yes. I am." I answer, standing up. I sigh heavily.

"What's your-"

"Before we continue with the questions, allow me to introduce myself. Also, get our your notebooks. I only answer questions once." I order. I sit back down, sighing. "My name is Riku Hakihu and my quirk is named Electricity Manipulation."

"Do you know who your soulmate is?"

"No. I just know they enjoy getting hurt. I'm usually up all night because of their injuries." I explain. "But, I just train through the pain."

"Could you explain your quirk more?" A green haired fluffball asks.

"Um, I manipulate any form of electricity into any shape I please. For example..." I pause, holding up my hand.

Electricity starts to crackle in the palm of my hand before it implodes, causing a tiny explosion. I smile at it.

"Explosions are my favorite things to make." I explain, smiling.



I hold the bridge of my nose.

"Stupid soulmate, quit getting hurt." I mutter. I walk up to the nurses office, limping on my broken ankle.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The hero Recovery Girl asks.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Riku and tend to be here often because of my stupid soulmate. They always end up hurting themselves in some way." I explain, sitting down on the bed.


I run into a boy whilst walking back from the nurses' office.

He looks down at me, scowling. He freezes, backing up. His eyes widen and his face twists to anger, a blush coming across his face.

"You're my soulmate?!" He yells. I look at him, before taking a deep breath.

"I guess so. It's nice to meet you, I'm Riku Hakihu." I greet, extending my hand. He takes it, his face overcome in red.

"Katsuki Bakugo." He mutters. I smile.

"Which class are you headed to?" I ask. He looks up at me.

"Class 1-A." He answers. I smile, grabbing his hand.

"I'm going there, too. Let's get going!"

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