Host Club (Pt.2)

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"You want... me... to be a... host?" I ask. He nods rapidly. I smile softly, rubbing my neck sheepishly. "Sure!"

The blonde haired boy jumps up, hugging me. I quickly push him off me.

"C-could you n-not do that, p-please?" I ask. He seems surprised. He nods swiftly, before the one with the black folder starts to ask me questions.

"What's your name?" He asks. I blink twice, pursing my lips.

"U-uh. My name is Chris but everyone calls me Kookey." I explain, looking down. He nods, writing something down.

"Who are you?" He asks. I look down.

"I'm not really that important. Just a little kid with big parents." I explain, smiling sweetly.

"Who are your parents?" He asks. I look to the side.

"The Mitizuki..." I explain. Their eyes widen, before moving to bow. I raise my hand. "Please, don't. I don't want people to talk to me because of my social status."

"Okay." They all say. I look up, smiling.

"So, any other questions?" I ask. He nods.

"What is your type?" He asks. I look up.

"Type?" I ask. He points to each person, explaining their types. "I, uh, don't have one."

"What can you do?" He asks. I sheepishly look down, shuffling nervously.

"I can... sing?" I mumble. They step back, sitting in chairs. Where did those come from?

"Please, demonstrate."

"Uh, no. I don't sing in front of people." I explain.

"Oh, really?" Hikaru asks, a smirk pulled across his face. He stands up walking towards me. He sweeps me off my feet. My face heats up.

"Fine! Fine! Just get off me." I scold. He smiles, quickly sitting down. I look around. "This is a music room, right? Is there a piano?"

Tamaki points to the corner of the room. A large grand piano is sitting there, collecting dust. I take deep breath, walking over to it. I gently pull sheet music out of my messy pile. I set it down. Gently resting my hands above the keys, I close my eyes.

As my fingers glide across the keys, my nervousness melts away. The notes send me farther and farther into the deep music hole, soon my voice joins in.

I take a deep breath, playing the last keys. I keep my head down, small tears sliding down my face. I hear sniffling next to me. I gently look over, not lifting my head.

They are all crying, even if the tears are miniscule. I blink, taking a deep breath. I look over, plastering a smile on my face.

"How was that?" I ask, playing off the tears on my face. I quickly wipe my face. Tamaki walks over to me. He grabs my hands, pulling me up. He looks into my eyes.

"That was so beautiful!" He muses. I smile shyly.

"Thank you." I thank. He wipes his tears away. I bite the inside of my lip. Kyoya looks over at me, before writing something down. Tamaki hugs me.

"You shall be our 'Shy and Soulful' type." Tamaki declares. I hum.

"Okay, so like this?" I ask. I quickly turn around, picking up my stuff. I lightly glance over my shoulder before looking away hurriedly. I drop a few papers, bending down to pick them up.

I hear a loud fawning noise come from Tamaki. I look back at him, smiling softly.

"So?" I ask. He nods, grinning. He interlaces our arms.

"Time to let the guests in!" Tamaki declares. We stand in a perfect row as the door opens, revealing lots of girls. I blush, looking away.


Tamaki stands up, walking away from the fawning ladies. He grabs my hand, making me stand up. I was working on my notes, not anymore.

"It's time." He whispers. I look at him, curious.

"For what?" I ask. He smiles widely.

"For you to sing!" He declares in a whisper. I blink. He quickly leads me over to the piano. I set my hands on the piano, taking a deep breath. "And now, our beautiful ladies, our newest host will be playing for you. Please welcome Casey Mitizuki!"

I take another deep breath, playing a less relatable song.

I take a deep breath, pulling my hands into my lap. Claps erupt through the music room. I shyly look away.

"Thank you, but it wasn't that good." I thank modestly. Some of the girls giggle, turning to Kyoya. I look over at Tamaki. He smiles at me, walking over to his guests.

I sit down at my table, finishing my notes. I smile, admiring the paper. I pick it up and slide it into my messy stack. A few people sit around me. I look up at the ladies, blushing before looking down. I look up again, redfaced.

"H-hello, ladies. H-how are you?" I ask shyly, not making direct eye contact. The girls giggle, picking up a coversation.

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