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The doctor knocks, coming in. I sit up, smiling widely.

"You won't live to see next year. I am very sorry, we couldn't save you." The doctor tells me. I smile.

"What's your name, Dr. Smith?" I ask. He looks shocked.

"It's Jason." He introduces. I extend my hand.

"I am the girl that's going to die, nice to meet you, Jason." I greet. He takes it, confused.

"Why are you so happy?" He asks. I smile.

"I'm broken in the head. I'd rather be dead than suffer." I tell him. He nods, walking out of the room.


I smile, standing in front of the teenager's door.

She... smiled at me. No one smiles at a doctor.

She hits her nurse button. I walk inside.

"What do you need?" I ask. She smiles widely.

"I want to leave the hospital." She tells me. I frown.

"How far do you want to go?" I ask. She smiles.

"Just to the coffee shop." She tells me. I sigh.

"Okay, I can take you. But, you have to answer one question." I negotiate. She nods.

"Okay." She agrees.

"What are those scars on your face from?" I ask. She smiles sheepishly.

"Jeff got a little stab happy. It's no big deal." She tells me. My eyes widen.

"Who's Jeff?" He asks. She giggles.

"He's my best friend. Just between you and me, he's a little insane." She whispers. "Can we go to the coffee shop?"

"Sure, when do you want to go?" I ask.

"Now." She answers. I look over at the clock.

"It's almost midnight. Are you sure?" I ask. She smiles.

"It's a 24 hour coffee shop." She tells me. I nod my head slowly. She smiles, standing up.

"Okay, let's go then."


We pull up to the coffee shop. She giggles happily, climbing out of my car.

"Wait for me!" I call. She stops, waiting. I walk up next to her. She leads in me into the almost empty coffee shop.

"Hey, Jane!" She calls. The girl at the register looks up. She smiles at the girl next me.

"Who is this?" Jane asks, pointing to me.

"This is my doctor, Jason." She explains. "He said I won't live to see next year."

Jane bursts out in laughter. The girl giggles along. I raise my eyebrow, confused. Suddenly, I hear the bell behind us ring. I look over my shoulder. The girl does a 180. She smiles, running over to the figure. She hugs him.

"Jeff! What took you so long? And where are the others?" She asks. My eyes widen. Jeff pulls his hood up, tightening it.

"Who is that, kitten?" He asks. She smiles.

"Oh, that's Jason, my doctor." She explains. A short chuckle comes from him. Then, the door opens again.

About four unusual figures walk in. My eyes widen. The girl walks over and grabs my hand gently.

All of them look at me and the girl.

"You aren't aloud to touch him. He is my doctor." She tells them. I raise my eyebrow.

"I'm confused. Could you explain to me what's going on?" I ask the girl. She smiles up at me, giggling. The giggling is almost sinister.

"No, just needed to lure a doctor here." She explains. My eyes widen.

"Why?" I ask, attempting to pull my hand away. Her grip is so tight she could crush my arm if she held any tighter.

"One of my friends is very injured. We need a doctor's help. But, my friends and I are murderers. So, you save my friend, we will let you live." She explains. I nod slowly. She nods to her friends.

Two more figures walk in, carrying another on their shoulders. The girl takes the person and look up at the other two.

"Go get his medical kit, it's in the trunk." She tells them. My eyes widen.

"How did you-" I start.

"I'm probably the most observant person you with ever meet. It's actually in the job description. The Observer." She explains. She starts to set up her friend so I can fix them.

Wow. She even remembered how the nurses set her up.

The person has a huge slash mark across his chest, plus other miscellaneous wounds.

Their skin is an unusual grey color. Otherwise, they look pretty normal.

I pick up my supplies and start cleaning the wound. I stop the bleeding, stitching the hole closed. I work on all the wounds, cleaning and stitching.

When I'm done, I set down the supplies. I hold my fingers to his neck again. My eyes widen.

I sit back, my head down. Then, shallow breaths leave his body.

I tilt my head in confusion. I hold my stethoscope to his chest. His heart isn't beating, but he's breathing. How is that possible?

"Uh... he's dead." I tell them. They quickly draw their weapons, before the girl extends her arm to them. They stop.

"He's breathing." She tells them. They relax.

"How did you-" I cut myself off. "Oh."

She nods, picking up his head in her hands. She presses their foreheads together.

She starts whispering a language I don't understand. Suddenly, the man's eyes open. He gasps, attempting to sit up.

She holds him down, whispering more. I fall back in horror. He had no eyes.

His nose flares up. He looks over at me, before fighting against the girl's grip. She holds him back, before pulling something out of her pocket.

She opens the bag, sliding the red item into his mouth. She slides a hand over his mouth.

"Get him out of here." She mumbles to her friends. They walk over, knocking me out.

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