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My hands flare up in black aura. "Get away from me! Fuck off! You wanna fucking die?!" I yell. A band of monster heros arrive. I growl as one of them approaches me. "You wanna die?! I'll burn your balls off!"

"Hi, there." They say. I growl.

"Back off or I'll kill you!" I yell, scared out of my mind. I throw a ball of black magic at them. They duck and it hits both of their monster buddies. They throws a sword at my head. The butt of the katana hits my head, knocking me over. The police put a restraint collar on me. The magic in my hands slowly fades as the collar blockes my power.

"Come on, lets go inside young lady." The headmaster orders. My eyes widen. I look up at the monster.

"Please. Take me to the ice box. Anywhere is better than here." I plead. I hang my head. The headmaster walks up to me. The monster stops them.

"Wait, wait, wait. You guys stay there." They bend down and lift up the collar, revealing scars, burns, and bruises. "Those guys hurt you? Who?" I look over at them fearfully.

"B-both." I stutter in a mumble. I look back at the monster, scared. I start to shiver with fear.

"Aw.. fuck it." The monster whispers. "Four or five moments! That's all it takes to be a hero. Everyone thinks you wake up a hero, brush your teeth a hero but no! Sometimes, you gotta do the dirty stuff." The monster shoots one of the men in the face. I pass out from a mix of exhaustion, abuse, and fear.


The monster hero walks up to me. My magic flares up. "Go away!"

"That piece of shit deserves to die for what he did to you. He hurt you, badly. Makes you want to hurt others. If you kill him, he wins. He'll prove everything he says you are but, worse you're just a kid. You don't want to hurt anyone."

"How do you know what I want?!" Tears stream down my face. My magic flares up the closer they get.

"Because I've been inside you. That came out wrong. I've been inside your shoes. Which is also offputting it's not a great anology. The point is, there are peole. There are people in this fucking world besides him. Who will treat you right, okay? It isnt to late, don't do it."

"..." I exhale deeply, my mouth shut tight. The tears fall faster.

"I never should have left you there. I never should have left you in that prison." They hug me and I hug back. I take a deep breath. My magic flares up, blasting them back.

"I can't trust you. I can't trust anybody! You can't stop me!" They pull out a magic canceling collar and put it on.

"If you are gonna kill one person tonight. It has gotta be me."

"Then so be it." The tears fall faster as I raise my hands. A man grabs a gun and fires the bullet at me. The monster jumps in front of it, saving me. My eyes widen as I run to their side. They groan. I hug them. "You sacrificed youself for me."

"Ya, and it was the best thing I ever did." They cough. "Told ya I care about ya, Rose. You are a hero now." They die in my arms. I cry into their dead arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I mumble. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I cry until the other monster heros have to pull me off them. I sigh, waiting for the restraints. They never come.

"We aren't going to chain you. You are a hero now."



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