Dread Filled Insanity

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I take a shaky breath, rocking back and forth in the hospital bed. One of my hands strokes the wounds imbedded in my neck, the other tightly clutching the music box to my chest. I hug the music box tighter as the room darkens. My mind becomes fuzzy as tears trickle down my face.

The nurse walks into the room. I clutch the box tighter. She starts talking to me. I can't here her though, the insanity about to take over.

I take a shaky breath as she asks me how I'm doing. To this, she earns a response.


She looks at me curiously before asking another question. I look up at her, smiling. I open the music box and pull out the hidden weapon. A pair of scissors I pulled off the doctor.

She looks at me in fear, about to scream. I cover her mouth, kicking the nurse button away from the lady. I hold the open scissors to her neck, slitting her throat.

I slide her dead body under my bed, putting the scissors back in the box. I slide out of my bed, smiling at the doctors as I pass.

I open the doors and walk out, clutching my box tightly. I smile as I run off into the woods behind the large hospital.

I sit down, rubbing my eyes. I clutch the music box tighter to me, listening to the lullaby of 'Pop Goes the Weasel.' Small giggles leave my mouth.

I smile, sitting up. I hug the music box closer to my chest. I look around, hearing the rustling of bushes and heavy breathing.

A lady stumbles into the very small clearing I chose to rest in. I look at her. She runs over to me, begging me for help.

"This thing is chasing me and I need to collect these pages to keep it away. Please, please help me." She begs.

I look her up and down before turning the golden handle of my music box. The tune of 'Pop Goes the Weasel' rings out around her.

When the lid pops open, I reach in and grab my weapon. I tackle the girl, still holding the music box. I stab the scissors into her neck, dragging it along her neck.

A red, wet, smile carved into her neck. I smile widely, before giggling a little. I sit down, the turning the golden handle. I sing gently along to the tune. I put the scissors back.

Before I can start laughing again, I look up. A large tree like figure is standing over me. I look at it, honestly confused. A pounding erupts in my head. It hurts.

I look up at the creature, starting to get dizzy. I smile at it and start giggling. I turn the golden handle, smiling. I sway my head to the melody before passing out.


I clutch the music box closer as someone tries to take it. I growl, not opening my eyes. I turn over in the bed. I turn the golden handle. The top opens and I pull out the scissors. I lazily sit up, opening my eyes.

I close the lid to the box, looking around. I clutch the box tighter. Three people are in the room.

One is shorter than the others, he has short brown hair poking out from under his navy blue hood. Big orange goggles cover his eyes. A black and gray bandana covers his mouth. His hoodie is rust colored and the sleeves are striped. His belt holds two bloodied hatchets. One is obviously older, the handle made of wood. The other newer and the handle made of orange hardened plastic.

The others are less extra. One has a white mask with black feminine features consisting of lips, eyebrows, and eyeholes. He wears a orange jacket.

The other wears a black ski mask with red features. Two red eyes and a red frown are stitched onto the mask. He wears a yellow hoodie which is pulled over his head.

They both are unarmed but could probably kill me in a second.

The one is the goggles is the one that tried to take the box. I growl at him, holding my scissors up to him. He backs away, his hands up. The other two looks at me. Another familiar slight pounding reappears in my head.

I groan slightly, lowering my scissors. Goggles tries to approach me again. I hold the scissors up again. My head is lowered.

"Take another step and I'll stab you-" I stop, looking at Goggles. He twitches every few seconds. I turn my box's golden handle. I reach in and pull out a thumbtack.

Without warning, I throw the thumbtack at the unsuspecting guy. It pierces his skin but it's almost as if he didn't feel it. Just as I thought, he can't feel pain.

I put the scissors back and clutch the box tighter, turning the handle. I listen to the melody while glaring at the three individuals.

I use my mind to put up an invisible shield around me. I sigh gently, exhaling heavily. It blocks out some of the pounding.

I pull my knees to my chest, the box between my legs and my chest. I wrap my arms around my legs. I rest my chin on my knees, watching the figures.

"What do you want?" I ask. They look surprised. I roll my eyes, pointing at each of them as I speak. "Goggles over there can't feel pain but, I have a feeling he has voices in his head. Hood and Mask are in a relationship or want to be but Mask is afraid that he is going to hurt Hood. They can't live without the other. Also, Mask is the dominant of the relationship."

"How did you-" Mask begins to speak but cuts himself off. "The One Who Watches?"

"That's one of the many names I have been called." I explain. "I am a stalker. Although, a clown pushed me over the edge of my sanity. Breaking me."

"What is Laughing Jack?" Goggles mumbles to himself.

"Yes, it was him. I have his music box." I explain. Goggles looks at me shocked.

"You mean... that's HIS music box?" He asks. I nod gently, blank faced. Extremely sane after my insanity. "That must be why he's so furious."

"I saved one his victims, in which he killed anyway." I explain, lifting my neck to show the bandages.

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