Prologue ( re editied)

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My name is y/n l/n.

I'm very introverted around people, i had social anxiety problems since i was a kid.

When i went to high school, things were a bit difficult for me.

Kids were laughing, hanging out, while i was at home, alone.

No one ever invited me to parties, sleepovers, heck, I've never been in a groupchat with friends. 

But what I've always been waiting for, was a chance to talk to my crush.


He's sweet, popular, sporty, everything you want in a guy.

Im so out of his league.

I sigh everytime i see him kissing his girlfriend Khloe, or when i see him cheating on her.

I wish i was in her shoes. She's a cheerleader, and student council president.

But no, i cant crush on him any longer.

Because, i have way more important things in my life.

Like my mom!

Me and my mom have been living alone since i was a baby. My dad left when i was born, and my mom couldn't find much work..

So i grew up "poor" i guess.

But shes the best mom i could of had.

Shes sweet, caring, and slow to anger. Shes quite fragile though, so shes prone to crying in stressful situations.

She says i look EXACTLY like my dad, and that she misses him everyday.

I sometimes feel like its my fault.

Like what if i wasn't born, and my mom was happy?

Untill next time!


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