Ch 38 | mornings.|

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"Say it again sweetheart?" Yuuki says, crimson red eyes glowing after hearing those four words.

He eyes are deep, filled with lust and obsession.

I look at him, not saying anything.

I can't believe I fucking said that.

It felt normal too, he says that to me everyday so why can't I say it back?

His face is heated, his cheeks and ears are red.

It feels like he going to burst any second..

He grabs both my wrists with one hand and pins them on top of me.

"You heard me Y/n, say it again darling.."

I shake my head no, and he frowns.

He goes down and kisses my neck, giving me kisses all over.

"You're always so shy.." he says, tracing his long fingers around my neck.

"That's what makes me love you.."

He pecks my lips.

"You know I'll never let you you go, right?" He whispers.

I nod, helplessly.

"Good girl."

He picks me up bridal style, and puts me on my style on my side of the bed.

He covers me with our blanket, and lands a kiss on my forehead.

He climbs into bed himself, and wraps his arms around me.

[ Next day ]

"Morning Love." Yuuki says, sitting on my side of the bed.

"Come on, time for schooool."  He says, squeezing my cheeks.

I remove his hands from my face.

"I'm up, geez." I say, annoyed and tired.

I look over, and my uniform is on the corner of the bed.

I go the washroom, brush my teeth, do my makeup, then my hair. I walk out of the washroom, just to see Yuuki waiting for me on the bed.

"You look pretty.." he says, smirking with a slight blush on his face. He gets up, I look up at him.

"I haven't even put my uniform on-"

"Don't care." He buts in.

He puts his hand on my face, and strokes it. I look into his eyes, it's like he's in a daze.

It's like an empty shell.

"We're going to be late Yuuki." I say, and he snaps out of it.

He strokes my hair, and leaves the room.

"I'll be waiting for you downstairs." He says, closing the door.

I put on my uniform, and go downstairs.

I look around the living room and the kitchen, then I realize he's not there.

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