Ch 8 | for a day |

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"thank you, ms. L/n. We should get going now!" Yuuki says while getting up.

"yeah, we should." i say, kind of trembling.

"well, my, stay safe! Dont get into trouble!" my mom says.

We leave the house, and start to head into the forests.

"how's that ankle? I haven't asked." Yuuki asks.

"you mean the one that you broke while trying to take me to your house? Fine thanks." i say rolling my eyes.

"well at least i tried to bandage it, be more grateful for the small things in life doll~" Yuuki says with a smirk on his face.

Ugh i still want to kick him in the face.

"well, were here anyways." Yuuki says opening the door.

As i walk in, i see a stain on the floor.

"hey, whats that?" i say pointing to the stain.

"its nothing. Are you hungry?" Yuuki says.

"no, that tea filled me up, its really heavy." i say while patting my belly.

"if you say so princess~" Yuuki says.

But still, what really is that stain? Food? Liquid? Blood...?

I walk to the stain closer.

I touch it, and it feels like it was made recently.

I look at my hands, and it gives me a brownish-reddish stain.

What the hell is this stuff?

I look at my surroundings near the stain. It looked like it came from the basement.

I go down the basement stairs, and its really dark.

Reminds me of the time he trapped me down here...

Once i get down, my shoe touches a puddle.

"ew dude, gross. Did some pee in here or something?" i say quietly.

If Yuuki finds me here, its game over.

Then the smell hit me. It smelled like a metallic-rust, and just overall smelled gross.

Then i realized.

Is this......blood?

I jump to turn on the lights.

What i saw...horrified me.

It was Ari. My highschool crush.

I should of known. He hasn't been at school today..

He never misses school, even if it rains or something.

And when i told Yuuki that i liked him, he must of saw RED.

I step back from the corpse, near the stairs, and i bump into something.

I turn around, its Yuuki.

"you...*sniffle* found out...*sniffle* now- *sniffle* now you wont LOVE ME!" Yuuki says have a sort-of like mental breakdown.

I could see that he had a knife, but he dropped it while crying.

I do admitt, i was scared. But, i couldn't stand to see him cry in front of me.

"hey-hey. Its going to be okay. Don't cry, ok Yuuki?" i saw while rubbing his back.

Yuuki looked up at me, teary eyed, with a pout.

"do you promise? To love me still?" Yuuki said in between sobs.

"i promise. Come on, lets go upstairs now." i say while pushing him.

As we get upstairs, i saw Yuuki run towards something.

They were his pills.

He took one, and dry swallowed it.

He instantly calmed down, then walked towards me.

He just hugged me. His action spoke louder than any word.

After he let go, he took his pill bottle and put it in my hand.

"i want you to give this to me when i start to go in delusion episodes, ok? Like what just happened now. No matter how much i refuse. " Yuuki says.

"o-ok." i say.

He sounded so serious. Like, no lazy smirk on his face, his eyes were dull, lifeless.

I look on the pill bottle.

"lithium...used for mood stabilization. Like for those with borderline-personality disorder. Huh?" i say while he walks away.

"crazy boy~"

Take Your Pills...|yandere! Male x fem! Reader |Where stories live. Discover now