Ch 25 | the black cat on the road

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[warning: harassment, drugging, kidnapping.]


[timeskip: morning]

I wake up to find Yuuki beside me, absolutely knocked out.

Was socializing that hard for him?

I get out of bed and realise its the weekend. I get up to brush my teeth, then go downstairs.

I look in the fridge, and realise we have nothing in there.

Groceries. Now.

So i grab a quick granola bar from the counter, and rush up stairs to change.

Changed to a nice flowy dress, not to heavy.

Yuuki would like this dress.

Since Yuuki is asleep, i have to tell him that im leaving.

My phone! He gave me one.

Im going out you lizard. By myself, so dont chase me down. I'm going to the closest Grocery store near here, the _____ one.

Bye, ily.

Delivered 12:20pm.

I decided to walk there, since it isnt to far from the woods.

[timeskip: at the store.]

As i walk in the store, i look around for the things i need.

While shopping, i get a text from Yuuki.

Darling you know i dont like you going out by yourself. Text me if something happened. Seriously.

I love you to the moon and back☆

                                                 kk ilyt
                                            read 1:00pm

As i near finish shopping, a guy around my age shows up.

"hey, you know your really pretty, can i take you out sometime?" a crimson haired guy asks.

He looks kinda sketchy, and also has no Groceries, so im assuming he's just a helpless romantic, look for a girl to sleep with or something.

"uhm no, im taken, sorry about that." i say, obviously bothered.

"come on, it will just be small date, he wouldn't know, right?" the crimson hair man says, getting a little closer.

I back up, knowing that he going to do something.

"still, it wouldn't feel right... there is many girls willing, just not me." i say.

I look up to meet his eyes, and a tired and dark gaze meets up.

It looked like he hadn't slept in days.

He grabbed my hand, and interlocked his fingers with mine.

He smiles lazy, and brings his hand to my cheek.

"your cheeks are so soft, no wonder why you have a boyfriend." says the guy.

"please, d-dont touch me." i say.

He lets go, and pets my head, Then goes to a different lane.

I decide to keep on shopping, obviously thinking of the incounter i just had.

As i finish shopping, and checked out,

I leave the store, and start to walk home.

While walking home, i see black cat laying down, obviously hurt.

Oh my gosh, its probably going to get attacked if left out here.

I pet it, soothing it, and it purrs under my hand.

While petting it, i hear footsteps behind me. As i turn around, a dark figure puts a cloth over my nose and mouth, and i pass out.

While passing out. I hear a masculine voice.

"shhh, its going to be ok, calm down and relax, this will calm down your nerves. ok?"


I wake up in a car, banging headache from being forcefully knocked out.

Its a limo-type.

"You!" i say, speach slurred from some drug.

A crimson haired man turns to me, the one from the store.

"you're in a car sweetheart. we're going somewhere." he says, cupping my cheek.

" The uh, Cat! Where is he?" i say.

"shes with her family." he says.

"YUUKI! Where... is he?!" i say.

"Yuuki? Oh.. Must be your boyfriend. He probably at home."

"oh...OH! Where are we going?! Tell...uhm me!"

"its a secret! pretty girl." the man says.

"whats your name...uh, sir?" i ask.

"miri." he says.

"hey, kuma! She needs another one! Shes starting to remember stuff!"

"kuma...?" i say, and he points to a man.

I turn to see a dark blue haired man, wearing a suit with a computer in his lap.

"she will be fine." kuma says.

I turn back to miri, and tears start to form in my eyes.

I sniffle, and start to wail.


"uhm, calm down-"


While my mouth is open i feel a pill drop in my mouth.

"what is this? Is this...d-drugs?!" i say.

"yeah, it will help your pretty little mouth stay quiet for a while, ok?" miri coos.

"so don't cry, ok? shhh."

I sniffle then nod my head.

"goodgirl!" miri says.


I knockout for awhile, and wake up in a room.

In a fetus position, my head is on a mans lap.

I flutter open my eyes, to a guy rubbing big circles on my back, saying things under his breath.

" i?" i say, speech slurred.

"Youre awake! Hello~" a man with bright purple hair says.


"You're very pretty, no wonder he loves you! Haha!" the guy says, while clapping his hands.

"well im yuri, the owner of this place."

"you look really young you know, you uh, run this place?" i say squishing his cheeks, and touching his face.

He just smiles, and grasps my wrist.

"haha, you're so cute- oh look! your boyfriend texted! How sweet!" yuri says.

Y/n, its kinda late, where are you darling?

"what do you want to say, darling?" yuri teases.

Tears form my eyes, and i start to cry.

"Yuuki.. Ah, uhm.." i say in between sobs.

Yuri grabs my face, so he can see my tear stained face.

"he must mean alot to you..."

"well he means a lot to me to!" 


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