Ch 27 🍋| fever dreams. |

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[warning: contains the devils tango, and its activities.]

I get up, and sit in his lap.

The drugs have to be getting in my head.

"i did too..." i say.

I kiss him on the cheek, then the lips. He turns bright red, and his crimson eyes glow.

"d-darling, w-what are you doing?" he says, completely flustered.

"why? You scared i might hurt you?" i say, kissing his neck and cheeks.

Yuuki shakes his head no, and grabs my hands and pins me to the bed.

" i thought it was to early, but then.. Look at how eager you are.." Yuuki says, then kisses me.

Yuuki kisses my neck, licking and biting all he wants.

I allow him, enjoying it.

"i should of done this a long time ago, sweetheart."

"well, do it now." i say.

He kisses me, and feel him exploring every inch of my mouth.

He breaks the kiss, and looks at me panting, and breathing heavy.

"that should shut you up for awhile." Yuuki says.

Yuuki pulls down my dress, exposing my bra.

"may i, sweetheart? I want you tell me to keep going."

"k-keep going." i say.

"if you say so."

Yuuki pulls down my bra, exposing my chest.

"look at that. You know your so beautiful, right?"

I nod my head, and he puts my hand on my chest.

His hands are cold.

I whimper, and he realises.

"sorry doll, don't want to hurt ya' "

He holds my hands to warm them up, and touches it again.


I nod.

He massages my chest, and goes down to suck one.

I whimper, then moan, and Yuuki chuckles.

" i love those sounds." he says.

He does it again, just a little rougher.

My whimpers come out, left and right,  and he has no reaction.

Once he stops, he looks at me, then smiles and moves on.

He takes of my dress completely, and then stares at my body.

"are you just going stare, Yuuki?"

"i wish i could~"

Yuuki opens my legs, and starts to lick my thighs.

He traces along the scars that he made, and smiles.

"i hope these never go away.."

The closer he gets to my vag, the more sensitive i get.

"aww, your so sensitive."

"well lets see what's under here, shall we sweetheart?"


He takes off my underwear, and smiles.

"the star of the show! Woah, you're wet."

I turn red, and turn away from him.

"eyes on me sweetheart. If you look away, ill stop."


He goes down, and licks it.

"so sweet! You taste good, doll."

He sucks, getting non-stop moans from me.

"Y-yuuki! Ah!"

"i haven't even put it in yet, but look at the mess you are. Shhh."

He keeps on going, and i feel a rise in me. Like a turn in my stomach.

"Yuuki! I, haa- f-feel weird!"

"that's a good feeling, let it out." Yuuki says.

I realise in his mouth, panting like crazy.

He licks every last drop, and looks at me.

Hes as red as can be, panting.

He kisses me again, and i can taste my juices from his mouth.

He breaks the kiss, then takes off his shirt.

I see his toned abs, and hourglass figure.

"no fair, look at how tiny your waist is." i say while he takes of his pants.

"why? Do you want my body?" he asks.

"hell yeah. No more periods." i say, and Yuuki chuckles.

"are you ready darling?" he asks.


Yuuki lines his length with my vag. He inserts it, and i whimper in pain.

"I'll take it slow, ok?"


While kissing me, he moves in and out, slowly, but deeply.

Both our moans fill the room, as Yuuki fills me.

"your walls are clamping my- mmh"

"h-harder p-please. Ah~"

Yuuki starts going harder, picking up speed.

"is this, mmph, what you wanted?"

I tried to nod, but was to over tooken in pleasure.

Yuuki starts slamming into me, causing our moans to be louder.

I feel a rise in me again, and my body starts to twitch.

"Yuuki, im close!"

"hold it darling, im coming."

"now. go!"

I clamp down and realise. Yuuki pulls out, and comes on my stomach.

Yuuki plops down to my side, and smiles.

" i hope this isn't a dream. You're too cute for one." Yuuki says, While hugging me.

I hug back, and smile in his arms.

"lets go take a shower ok?"

A/n- i finally did it man. The years of wait is over. Now yall shall die in peace.

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