Ch 26 | commitment. |

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[Mentions of drugging and other stuff.]

"you know... Uh, Yuuki ?" i ask.

"Yeah, i do.." yuri says.

"so I'm going to call him, and you plea your tiny, little, heart out! Ok?" Yuri  says.

He presses the call button, and he smiles.

"darling, where are you?! Are you ok?!"

"Yuuki.. I know, i know you..uh, told me to be-be safe but, help me...please?"

"she is definitely drugged. D-darling, do you know where you are?" Yuuki says.

"I'm tired of this, Yuuki, i have your girlfriend, come pick your darling, up! Toodles~" Says Yuri.


The call ends, and Yuri looks at me.

"he shall be here soon, he doesn't come, you'll rot sweetheart." Yuri says while getting up.

"well, im getting bored, so I'm going to leave."

"but stay here ok?"

"No, no Please! Don't..leave me here! Just-just take me with you!" i scream.

"awww, scared? You know what, ill be nice and bring you along. See? We'll be together."

Yuri grabs my hand, and runs out the door.

It seem like we were in a room in some kind of basement and when we left, it was like a hide out.

Miri and Kuma were there, and they were sitting on a couch.

"why did you bring her out? I thought you were set on leaving her there~" Kuma says.

"Well doesn't matter cause she looks scared out her mind." Miri says, looking at me.

He was right, i was trembling out of my mind, and i looked like I've seen a ghost.

"she begged me to bring her upstairs." Yuri says.

"now were just waiting for her beloved boyfriend to show up. isn't that exciting Yuuki's girlfriend?!"

"what...what do you want with Yuuki..." i say.

"i want him to come back home. Things haven't been the same..." Yuri says upset.

"Yuuki's your brother?.."

"Bingo! Aha! You got it!" Yuri says while clapping.

After a while goes by, my phone buzzes.

[I'm coming darling. Yuri, ill fucking kill you. ]

"oh wow! How daring! Yuuki finally texted! aren't you proud?" Yuri says, patting my head.

My eyes lit up, and for the first time, i felt true love for him.

I know that hes a mood swinging bastard, that has an un-dying obsession for me, and its annoying as hell, but come on.

He LITERALLY tracked my phone, come save me from god knows where.

If that's not commitment, i don't know what is.

After awhile, my phone buzzes again.

[Im here. Let her go.]

"Hes here! Your prince charming!" Yuri says.

"Yuuki?..." i say.

"Miri and Kuma, can you give her another pill? And keep her in that basement."

"No! Wait-"

Miri drops another pill in my mouth, and while passing out, i express how much i want to see him.

[timeskip: maybe two hours later.]

I wake up in Yuuki's arms, and i flutter my eyes open.

"Y-Yuuki, im sorry.." i say while tears flow down my eyes.

"darling?! Sorry for what?"

"i-i promised to stay safe. I should of never gone out without you.. Im sorry." i say in between sobs.

"its not your fault, so stop crying." hes says while wiping my tears.

"you big baby."

I laugh a little, and look around.

"oh, darling your in my house. Just a different room-"

"what did you tell him?"


"what. Did. You. Tell. Yuri." i say.

Yuuki sighs, and looks at me his crimison eyes glow.

"i told him, im not coming home, and if you ever pull this shit again, ill blow your brains out."

"and yes, i took a pill, don't get to excited." he says.

"nevermind then." i say, and he chuckles.

He kisses my forehead and smiles.

"i missed you in my arms Y/n."

A/n- do yall want like the devils tango or is that just AckermanBroom ?

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