Ch 33 | the stairs. |

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My head burrows into his chest, and the tears turn into slilent sobs.

"Geez. Stop crying."

"love how your face looks while begging, but your making my shirt wet."

I stop crying, but i sniffle a bit.

"let me see your face princess."

I do exactly as he says, and a smirk curls on his lips. My lips pout and quiver, and his smirk turns into a smile.

He grabs my waist, and he pulls me so that our bodies are fully touching.

"Fuck, you're so gorgeous while crying. Ya know that?"

I nod my head slowy, and he smiles sinisterly.

"you promise?..." i ask.

"Excuse me?" he says.

"you promise... Not to hurt him, Right?" i say, holding back tears.

"i don't make promises doll, you know that."

I lower my head, and he pats it.

"well we both love eachother right?"

I once again burrow my head into his chest, and nod my head while he strokes my hair.

I look up at him, and his lips crash onto mine. I dont try to stop him, and he devours on my lips. I try to keep a stand, but i failed every attempt.

Eventually, i submit and just melt into his arms. He finally lets go of the hostage on my lips, and i become a heavy breathing mess.

"Jesus, you went- to fricking town" i say, trying to control my breathing.

"its cause i love you too much darling. I couldn't control it." he says, wiping his mouth.

The third period bell rings, and my eyes widen.

"Yuuki! My third period class!"

He furrows his eyebrows.

"why? Who cares? You're with me."

"i care! I probably missed so much work.."

He pouts, and he opens the door.

"just go to your fourth period one then." he says, acting annoyed.

He grabs your hand again, pushing through the crowds of people also trying to get to their class aswell.

. . .

[timeskip : at the end of the school]

While i was waiting for Yuuki to finally leave that school building , i was sitting on the school steps infront of the parking lot.

I was checking my phone and i feel a tap on my sholder.

I look up, and its Alec. I smile, and he sits beside me.

"Hi Alec! What are you doing here? Its like, 10 minutes after school."

"i was about to ask you the same thing (h/c) - head. My mom has to pick up my little siblings, so i usually wait." he says, putting his hands in his pockets.

"why are you here?"

"my boyfriend has to do something for a teacher. Hes my only way home so.. I wait." i respond.

He furrows his eyebrows, confused by something.

"what about your parents?" he asks.

I look up and give a tiny sigh.

"i actually live with my boyfriend right now."

"i dont have a Dad, and my mom's..."

"in a different city.." i lie.

"sorry about your Dad..dont have one either.."

"he died years ago.."

I look at him, and his heads down, obviously upset.

I put his hand on his back, and pat it a little.

"You still have one, hes just not here right now. Doesn't mean you don't have one."

He lifts his head up, and i take my hand off his back.

He looks at me, and we stare at eachother for awhile. He then gets a notification, and gets up.

A car drives up to the school, and he looks at me.

"Thanks Y/n. My mom's here now, Bye." he says.

I wave, and he gets inside his car. They drive away, then Yuuki comes outside.

[Yuuki pov]

I saw everything. The hand on the back, the wave, his pathetic sob story.

I knew it darling. I knew that you felt something. Fuck.

I walk through the school door, and see my doll on the steps.

"you ready darling?" i say, trying to hold in the rage that i felt.

"Yeah, lets go, these steps are engraved in my butt now." she says, rubbing her sore part.

I chuckle a bit, holding her hand.

I can't be mad at her now, shes too cute.

We get in the car, and i start driving out the parking lot.

I put my hands on her thigh, while thinking about the both of them.

Ill let him know, i dont fucking share..

I hate him, i want to rip his fucking legs off-

"so how were your classes today? Did you tutor more people?" Y/n says, breaking my thought.

It caught me off-guard, so it took me time to answer.

"they were ok, but my second period teacher was so goddamn annoying. Like, they kept picking me when i was not paying attention."

"i obviously got each question right, but it was still annoying."

I turn to the woods, entering through its clear entrance.

We pull up at our driveway, and she leaves the car, while i properly park it in the garage.

[your pov]

Oh my God, i forgot to ask Alec for his number...Ill just ask tomorrow.

And im so hungry...

A/n- more Alec backstory!! Also thank yall for almost 35k reads!! ILYSM! AHH

i will be in your nightmares always, god loves you 💕💕

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