Ch 17 | escape...? |

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" you know what? Im going to process this. " i say, leaving the room.

Would she actually disappear if i dont agree?

I need to. I need to get out of here. Now!

[timeskip: in the middle of the night]

I woke up to Yuuki hugging me tight.
Hes definitely asleep, i could his tiny little snores and groans while asleep.

I tried to wiggle free from his grasp, but he wouldn't. Let. Go.

I tap his hands as a signal to let me go, and he does.

If only escaping without getting caught was this easy.

I leave the bed, and leave the room.
I went down the stairs, quietly and quickly.

Walking to the front door, i hear a thud.

"where is she?!" says Yuuki, while breaking down i assume.

Shit, shit, shit, run!!

I opened the front door quietly, and ran out, leaving anything and everything.

Its cold in the night here, but all im focused on was going to see my mom.

She must be so worried.

At last, i see my house. I look behind me to see if Yuuki was chasing after me, but no. He wasn't.

I sprint towards the back of my house, where my window was. I climb up the tree facing it, and luckly, my window was open.

I climb in and shut it. I laid down on my bed, and...


"what am i going to do with you... You drive me insane darling~"


My heart pumps as hes speaks, and i start to shake.

"darling~ now come. Its late, lets go home. " Yuuki says while climbing into my room.

The deja-vu I'm getting is life treatening.



" I SAID NO!" i barked, trying not to brust into tears.

"you're so defiant, its so annoying." Yuuki says while chuckling.

"i would love to change that." says Yuuki.

Yuuki runs up and grabs me, and pulls me up from my bed to face his chest.

While on his chest, he put his face in my shoulder.

"mmm...I'm going to miss you in my helpless and delicate."

Yuuki throws you to the window, and pushes your upper body out of it, having your face and shoulders out.

Your heart pumps, and your body feels numb from shock. Tears roll down your cheek.

The cold air makes your cheeks freeze, and you were only thinking of what he was going to do next.



"please Yuuki...let me go"

"please Yuuki, i love you."

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