Ch 24 | Never have i ever... |

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Yuuki pouts, then looks at the clock on his phone.

"they should be here soon..." he says, quietly.

"who? You invited people without telling me?" i say, turning the stove off.

"they're are just family friends  darling, they wont hurt you." Yuuki says, giggling to himself.

The doorbell rings, and i go open the door.

Four people stand in front of me, one girl and 3 guys, and all look like they work in hot topic.


"wheres Yuuki?" says a guy with bright red hair.

"yo, at least say hi! Theres a cute chick in front of you!" says another guy with blonde hair.

I get a little flustered.

I look over, and i see minnie from our surprise date.

"oh minnie! Great seeing you here! You know what, all of you come inside." i say, while moving out of the way of the door.

They all come inside, and i smile at  each one of them. Then i catch sight at a guy with black and pink highlights in his hair.

He looks at me, and i stare at him back. i flash a smile, and he blushes a little then looks away immediately.

"hey Yuuki! Why didn't you tell me you had such a hot girlfriend!" the blonde says.

"back off blondie, shes mine. Touch her, i kill you, understand?" Yuuki says.

"still a psycho huh?" the red haired said.

I come in to the room, and i look away, a little embrassed.

"Oh! Y/n, let me introduce you to my, uh.. friends!"

"so the blond is Xander, the red head is arson, and the black-pink hair is zero." Yuuki explains.

" you know i'm here right?" says Minnie.

"and this is.. Minnie." Yuuki sighs.

I flash a smile, and then remember.

"i made food! Is anybody hungry? Hehe...." i ask, while everybody stares.

"i could eat!"



Minnie stares, then nods her head.

"Great! Uhm i made uh, pink pasta! Its really good!"


" Yuuki, your girlfriend can cook! This is really good! " Xander says, downing the food.

" could of slowed down the salt though." says arson.

I laugh nervously while he stares me down.

"its really good Y/n..." says zero.

I look at zero and smile, and he blushes.

"Good job darling~ you did really good." Yuuki says, while patting my head.

I look at him and smile.

"Minnie! How do you like it?" i ask.

Everybody turns to look at her, and she looks around.

"its really good Y/n.." said Minnie.

"thanks Minnie. I appriciate it." Yuuki says.


(they all moved to the living room to hangout.... I guess?)

"ok! Lets play never have i ever!" says Xander.


"i could play!"


"ok so... Uhm, never have i ever...cheated on a test." xander asks.

Me, xander, Yuuki, arson, and Minnie put down a finger, while zero keeps all fingers up.

" Zero you never cheated on a test?!" we all say in sync.

"No...i was homeschooled.."  he says, looking away.


"ok, never have i ever had a first kiss with someone in this room?" says Yuuki.

Me and Yuuki both put a finger down, and look at eachother. The momment our eyes meet, i turn red, and he smirks.

"you lost your first kiss to me?!" i say, feeling flustered.

"yeah, why? Do you feel a little special that i did?~" Yuuki teases.


"ok lovebirds, never have i ever... Hurt or killed somebody.." asks Arson.


Everbody except me puts down a finger. And the aura in the room changes.

"hey Y/n, do you know why we're all Yuuki friends?"

"cause we're batshit crazy." says arson.

"yeah... I know. Not surprising." i say.

"oh really? Intresting-"

"ok! Never have i ever uh, kissed my best friend." says Minnie.

Minnie puts a finger down, followed by Yuuki, and Xander.

"Who's your best friend Yuuki?" i ask.

"Yeah, who?" Minnie follows.



Everyone turns to a red-faced arson, and Yuuki smirks.

"He said he liked it~"

"SHUT UP!" Arson barked, followed by Yuuki laughing.

"IT W-WAS ON THE CHEEK!" Arson yells, while looking like the same colour of his hair.

We all start laughing, while Arson dies of embarrassment.

"its fine Arson, we've all been at a time like this." Minnie says while trying to hold in her laugh.


"That was fun Yuuki!" says Xander.

"and uh Ms. Mint, the food was great!"  Xander says while walking to the front door.

"yeah, it was fun." says Arson.


"oh! Zero, yes?"

"'re really pretty...." Zero says, while whispering in my ear.

I blush a little, then smile.

"Thanks! You are too? Handsome, i mean." i say.

Zero blushes, then smiles.

As they leave, Yuuki grabs my waist, and whispers in my ear,

"you did great doll. You are so cute when people are around, i could just kiss you right there." says Yuuki.

I feel flustered from his tone and blush a little.

"i wish i could also f*ck you too but, we cant always get what we want." he says.

"Yuuki, shut up please." i say.

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