Q&a part 2 for....take your pills!

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HEY YOU GUYS! Anyways, its your
favorite nightmare, me!

So since i love talking to my babies, loyal customers, readers, etc, I'm making a Q&A part 2!! (cuz why not?)

When are you going to unalive khloe?

Uhm. Yall. Khloe is a tough subject. I don't want to leak, or give spoilers, so im just going to say, Khloe is kinda useless.

Tbh, i only made Khloe because i didn't know what to write. I don't want to give her character development, i just want her to stay where she is.

sorry to my Khloe stans :<

Are Nadia and / or hallway guy going to become yanderes?

Nadia? No.

Nadia is just another Khloe to me. 😭 im so sorry if you wanted her to become one, but writing fem yanderes are not my special talent.

hallway guy? Maybe.

I was thinking about it. Im not even joking, i put my phone down, and thought, like, really hard.

I'm thinking about the ways i could do that, while keeping Yuuki kinda chill. (ideas are appriciated )

What are your least favorite chapters?

probably chapters 1-4, and the prologue, and maybe chapter 16. They are so cringe to me. Also chapter 29 & 30 gave me a legit headache cause i wrote Y/n too sick 😭😭

What are your favorite chapters?

probably chapter 9 & 10, and chapter 25! Chapter 9 & 10 make me smile while reading them, but Chapter 25 cause its well written i guess.

Also i love 14 & 15 date Chapters 💅

Can we please get a devils tango chapter??

Maybe 👀👀 but probably not soon :)

What are Yuuki's hobbies / interests?

Yuuki isn't really intrested in anything. He is only intrested in what Y/n's intrested in.

He likes horror movies, and gore. He also likes dark colours, but likes pink though.

Hes probably the type to make dad jokes and stuff. Also, he likes drawing sometimes.

He likes snuggles and cuddles too 😭

Whos Yuuki's brother, Yuri?

He was in chapter 25! Yuri is Yuuki's older half brother. Hes 19.

He runs an casino and hotel, and has an underground illegal drug business.

When he was 15, he dropped out of school, then went into the drug business. His father kicked him out, and hes been on his own since.

Hes also like Yuuki (in terms of mental health), but a little worse.

What is Yuuki's dad? Is he the same as Yuri?

Yuuki's dad was abusive to both of them when they were younger.

He was also married twice, one to Yuri's mom, then Yuuki's.

He runs a series of clubs and hotels in different countries, causing him to be rich rich.

Yuuki was suppost to inherit his business, but ran away from home and stayed in hiding.

(but he is dilf material tho 👀👀)

Will we get a shopping and / or date episode again?

Of course! I loved writing those!

How is Y/n's mom?

She's ok! No bad blood with Yuuki or anything ;)

What's Yuuki's biggest dream?

To marry and have kids with Y/n!!

Its sounds weird, but hes planned out everything. How many kids they are going to have, where they're going to for their honeymoon, everything ;)

How much do you love your readers and supporters?

So SO MUCH!! Yall make me so so happy!! I love every single reader, commenter, voter, EVERYONE!!

Yall are my babies.

ANYWAYS, i love you guys, God said he loves you too, and i will always be in your nightmares 😘

(special shoutout section)

AckermanBroom kyumimido @mydadisbald @ihatepeople_thnx

And many, many more!!

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