Ch 5|questions|

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You cough a little bit, and Yuuki pats your back.

"hey princess, can i ask you some questions?" yuuki says while blushing.

"....sure." you say while sighing.

"when you were you were at school, did you have any crushes, or anyone?" Yuuki says.

"yeah. His name was Ari. He was like, waaayy out of my league thought..." you say while turning red.


"what's your favourite color?"

"(f/c, if you dont have one that's fine ⊼⌔⊼ )" you say.

"ill make sure to get that color anytime i buy gifts for you..." Yuuki mummers.



"what's your favourite thing about me?" Yuuki says while blushing, again.

You think... What if i piss him off?

At that point, he'll punish me again.

"uhm...your eyes? They're nice i guess..." you say, trying not to lie a lot.

Yuuki's eyes sparkle, and hes in excitement.

"really, really?! My mom always says she hated them!" Yuuki says while waving his invisible dog tail. could he say this with a happy tone?

Yuuki expression goes from happy to delusion.

With a big smile on his face, yuuki gets up to reach for the pills on the coffee table.

yuuki dry swallows one, and looks at me.

"one more question." yuuki says.

"do you love me?" he says.

I stay silent, and he frowns.

" whore!"

"you like that Ari guy more than me!"
yuuki says while grabbing my face.

"you. Dont. Love. Me." Yuuki says.

"THATS NOT TRUE!" i bark.

We stay silent for awhile.

He leaves the room.

Jesus...this man is just like a baby.

He kicks and screams to get something, and when doesn't get it, he huffs and puffs to his room.

He comes back downstairs with a smile on his face.

"y/n-chan~ come here!" he says with a eye closed smile.

I get up, and come to him.

He hugs me, like nothing ever happened.

"i'm sorry." he says

"its fine....why do you do that?"


"your mood swings.."

"i've had them for years. You'll get over them." he says, still hugging me.

"is it cause of the medication?" i ask.


"no, you silly goose!" yuuki giggles to himself.

"are you hungry?"



"well are you tired?"

"yeah...i guess. Well it does look pretty dark out." i say while looking out the window.

"anything for my princess~ follow me."

Yuuki took my hand and led me upstairs. His house was decent sized, not too big nor was too small.

How is he living by himself? Where are his parents?

As i thought this, we arrive at his bedroom.

He opens the door and lets me go in first.

"were here~" he says.

"thank you. Uhm, by the way, do you have clothes that i could change into?" i say while turning a little red.

"w-well, uhm i've do have t-shirts, but they are a little big on you." Yuuki says while turning crimson red.

He goes to his drawer, and grabs one.

He gives it to me and i almost start to change.

"do you you mind to leave the room for a sec?" i say while blushing.

"oh. sorry."

"Its fine"

Yuuki leaves the room, and i put on the t-shirt on.

"You can come in now!" i say.

Yuuki comes in the room, and sits on the bed.

"you look pretty darling~" Yuuki says.

"thank you i guess." i say.

"you know what else you'll look pretty on?"


"My lap~"

Yuuki moves close to you, grabs you, and shifts you to his lap.

You yelp from the sudden movement, and from your ankle in a weird position.

"...Yuuki.." you say while blushing hard.

This the second time you have said his name.


"when can i go home?"

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