Ch 22 | make-up. |

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"The way you protected me, darling it was... So-

He kisses my neck again, moving to my cheek, and kisses it.


"like you did it out of love, for me. Only me." Yuuki says.

"w-well Yuuki, it was the o- ah, only thing for me to do." i say, while Yuuki still kissing me all over.

"Your dad didn't treat y-you right." i say.

"Yuuki stop, y-your going to leave marks all over!" i say, trying to push him off, but he wouldn't budge.

"i already did darling~" he says.

"what?! Hold on." i say.

Yuuki moves out of the way as i run to the bathroom to look at my neck.

There are marks e v e r y w h e r e.

"Yuuki im going to kill you!!" i say, while Yuuki laughs loudly.

He comes into the bathroom, and smirks widely at the scene he created.

"do you like my art? I call it, "i take whats mine~" " Yuuki says while resting his head on my shoulder.

"No!! I dont, you lizard! People are now going to think that something hit me with a bat!!" i say, fuming.

He kisses me on the cheek, and on the forehead.

"its fine doll. Just cover it up with makeup."

"you have makeup?" i ask.

"of course i have makeup. What do think you i am?" Yuuki says.

"you can do it in the morning, before school. It matches your skin tone, so you should be good."

[timeskip: next morning.]

I woke up to Yuuki waking me up for school.

"wake up sunshine, time to get up~" Yuuki says, cooing in my ear.

His voice was soft and comforting, yet sharp and alarming.

"I'm up Yuuki, Thanks." i say while yawning.

"anytime sweetheart. Lets go, you have to eat, were going to be late."

As i look at Yuuki, i realise that hes already dressed up.

As i get ready i stare at the lovemarks that Yuuki gave me. I grab the make-up that Yuuki gave me, and cover it.

Totally not worth the stares.

[timeskip: at school]

As we get into school i see Khloe waiting for us.

She sees one good look at Yuuki, and her eyes lit up.

She starts running over, and leaps onto Yuuki in a type of bear hug.

"Yuuki!! I missed you!" Khloe says, like she hasn't seen him in years.

"its only been a day, lets not get to excited now." Yuuki says, kinda trying to push her off him.

"you know're right!" Khloe says, laughing nervously.

"hey Yuuki! Why dont we go to the mall? It will be so fun you know!" Khloe says, as we walk to first period.

Yuuki turns to me, and his crimson eyes glow.

"hey Y/n, want to go to the mall?" Yuuki asks me.

"uhm, sure? It wont hurt." i say.

Khloe looks at me a little agitated, probably thinking:

Why that girl, and not me?! Im like, 1000 times better.

Well too bad for her, Yuuki would slice his own arm off just to touch me.

"Well Yuuki, wouldn't you prefer to hang with me, than Y/n?" Khloe says, wrapping around Yuuki.

Yuuki shoves her off, and gives her a death stare.

"no, i wouldn't, thanks for the offer though." says Yuuki.

A/n- yeehaw yall, so uhm thanks for almost 10k reads, i appriciate all the support to keep on writing!

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