Ch 15 |ice cream and death.|

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"Hey! Yuuki!" says some random girl.

Seeing from the way she talks to him, she 100% knows him.

Shes pretty, black hair, blue eyes, and shes tall too.

I look away from her, hoping that she doesn't think im ugly or something.

"hey...mamie? Manny?"

"minnie. Im minnie, remember? Youre..."

"yes, i remember now..." Yuuki says while putting his head down.

"see! I knew you remember!" minnie says.

"you're the bitch that put me in that damn hospital." Yuuki says, bright eyes glowing, no shine in them, staring right at her.

"....what...? I-i didn't...i swear..." minnie says, trembling.

What the hell is going on? hospital? I knew Yuuki was crazy, but..he was in a hospital?

This is soo confusing..

No, no, hes going to snap. I-i can feel it.

"hey minnie... Its best that you leave..." i say, holding her hand that was shaking on the table.

She looks at me, tears in her eye brim.

"'re girlfriend, shes pretty...see you around i guess." minnie says, waving at me, with a slight forced smile.

I wave back, and i look at Yuuki.

"hey, forget about her, let's just...have a good time?" i say to Yuuki, smiling.

"of course darling, anything for you." Yuuki says.

The rest of the night was amazing, the food, the flirting, it was great.

"hey, how about we get out of here and get some ice cream?" Yuuki says.

"that is a great idea, but where? There is like no ice cream store here." i say.

"that's why...ill show you." Yuuki says, putting his money for the food on the table, and getting up.

I shortly follow him, linking arms with him. His red eyes twinkle when he turns to look at me.

"you are so beautiful, (y/n) (l/n). "

Once we get in his car, he starts it, and it has a loud roar once again. I'm not really startled by it that much anymore, but sometimes he makes it roar loud on purpose, just to scare me.

[timeskip: at the ice cream place]

We get to the ice cream place, and we enter.

"hello- Mr. Mint! So great seeing you here! What would you like?"

"a vanilla for me, but i'm pretty sure the lady knows what she wants too." Yuuki says while slightly pushing me forward.

"uhm, can i have (ic/f)?" i ask.

"of course! That would be 5.67!" says the lady cashier.

Yuuki hands her the money, and she hands us the ice cream.

I take mine, and we sit down on one of those tables. Some guys walk in, and sit down to the table next to us.

They are staring at Yuuki, then they all get up and go to the backroom.

Once they leave, Yuuki turns to me.

"darling, im going to go to the backroom, hold this for me, yeah?" Yuuki says while handing me his ice cream.

"why...why are you going to the backroom?" i ask, while he gets up.

"see those guys? Well, they work for my dad. They wan't to bring me back home, and i don't want to go. So..."

"i fucking kill them!"

Yuuki walks and swings by the backroom, and then..


One of the guys in there groan, in 100% pain. Couple more bangs, and a couple more thuds later...Yuuki walks out.

Blood on parts of his tuxedo, knuckles, and face, he turns to the cashier lady.

"tell my dad i said hi~" Yuuki says while smiling.

"come on princess, lets go~"

I immediately get up with the ice cream, and get out of the store.

"Yuuki, here. Take it now."

I had him his pill. He looks at me, frowns, then swallows it.

"can i have my ice cream now?" Yuuki says.

"oh! Right! I forgot, sorry!" i say, while handing it to him.

"thank you doll~"

Take Your Pills...|yandere! Male x fem! Reader |Where stories live. Discover now