Ch 16 | proposal.. |

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The drive home was...quiet. I didn't really want to talk, considering the person driving is covered in blood stains.

"why so quiet? You know i love talking to you~" Yuuki says, putting his hand on my thigh.

"uhm, well, you are murderer covered in blood, so i don't know how to feel?" i say, staring into the window.

Yuuki turns my face to look at him, and stops at a red light. He kisses me, and breaks the kiss.

"well, i do look hot covered in blood, so i know you like it!" Yuuki teases.

I turn red, and i could feel my cheeks flush.

"s-shut up! Youre so annoying sometimes..." i say while looking away.

Yuuki chuckles, and speeds up through a green light.

[timeskip: at Yuuki's house.]

[you and Yuuki have changed, no more bloody Yuuki ˃ᴗ˂]

"Hey darling?"


"yEaH? you're suppost to say "pardon?" dear." Yuuki says, mocking me in the process.

I roll my eyes, and Yuuki frowns.

"what do you want?" i ask.

"does your family have enough money at home?" Yuuki asks.

I stop, and look down.

Well no, my family isn't really well off, but do i tell him that?

What if he thinks i some gold digger?

"uhm, why?" i say.

"cause, i was going to propose something to your family..."

"like what?" i ask.

"if you live with me, lets say forever , i will support your mom at home forever..." Yuuki asks.

I think. Is this a really good thing?

"i don't think i can execpt that offer. I will i ever be able to see her?"

"of course you will! Anytime you like!" Yuuki says, then smiles.


"either you accept, or your mom disappears."

Shock went through your body, trying to process what he said.

Please...somebody..tell me he's-he's joking.

"....what? joking right?" i say while backing away.

Yuuki comes foward, pulling your waist to him. He comes to your ear, and you can feel his cold breath trace over your ear.

"now love....why would i be joking? You know...we're always meant to be."

His voice sent shivers down your spine, making tears form in your eyes.

"now, now, crying aren't we? You shouldn't cry... If you listen to what i say..mommy shall be fine.." Yuuki coos, while i feel streams down my cheeks.



"FINE! Take my life away, i dont have a choice anyways.." i say, plopping on my knees like jelly.

"good girl, so obedient...just like daddy."

A/n- hey yall 👀 so, i know this chapter isn't or might not be fan favorite, but its for development i PROMISE! Its going to get a little softer, so make sure not to leave just yet..

If you stay...maybe, just maybe, Yuuki will take you "home".

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